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The Assumption.

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1 The Assumption

2 Who officially defined this dogma? When?
Pope Pius XII November 1,1950

3 What does the dogma say and what is the overwhelming view of it?
Dogma states that Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven after her death. The dogma does not say that she died, but the overwhelming view is that she did and that her body was uncorrupted.

4 What is the difference between Christ’s Ascension and Mary’s Assumption
Christ ascended into heaven by His own power, but Mary was assumed into heaven by God’s power.

5 What is 1 Cor 15:20-24 and how is it used/misused to try and deny this title of Mary?
In 1 Cor 15:20-24, St. Paul teaches that the glorification of the body takes place at the end of time. This is misused to try to deny this title of Mary because her body wouldn’t have been glorified until the end of time. However, there are exceptions to this What are these exceptions? Elijah was assumed into heaven, Enoch did not die and was assumed into heaven, and the Old Testament Saints that resurrected after Jesus died

6 What element of typology defends this title?
The Ark of the Covenant is a type for Mary. She was free from all defect, corruption, and profanation after Death and in her Assumption. In the physical sense.

7 What has no one in Church history ever claimed to have?
Relics of Mary.

8 Quiz Who officially defined the Assumption Dogma?
What is the difference between Christ’s Ascension and Mary’s Assumption? Name 2 of the 3 exceptions from 1 Cor 15:20-24. What element of typology defends this title of Mary? What has no one in Church history ever claimed to have

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