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2 Would you spend a few minutes to reflect on how your state model for high school implementation support offers basic support? How do you design supports.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Would you spend a few minutes to reflect on how your state model for high school implementation support offers basic support? How do you design supports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross States High School Collaborative Convening Problem of Practice November 27, 2018

2 2 Would you spend a few minutes to reflect on how your state model for high school implementation support offers basic support? How do you design supports in accordance with the particular redesign initiatives and individual district and school capacities?

3 3 Partner Interviews

4 Dig deeper Interview 12 minutes each (2 sessions x 6 minutes each)
Adapted from. crash course. 4 Our Challenge: Understanding state capacity for supporting implementation of high school redesign. Start by gaining empathy… Interview 12 Min (2 sessions x 6 minutes each) Dig deeper 12 minutes each (2 sessions x 6 minutes each) Notes from your first interview Notes from your second interview How do you design supports in accordance with the particular redesign initiatives and individual district and school capacities? Switch roles and repeat Switch roles and repeat

5 Capture findings 3 min Reframe the problem
5 Capture findings 3 min Needs : Things they are trying do* *Use verbs Insights: New learning about partner’s feelings/worldview to leverage in your design* *make inferences from what you heard

6 Broader Sharing of Insights from Interviews
6 Broader Sharing of Insights from Interviews

7 7 How might a deeper understanding of district capacity influence our current state models of implementation support?

8 8 Citation: Rombøll Consulting. White paper: Implementation Study – New Approaches to Policy Implementation

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