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Arab-Israeli Conflict

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1 Arab-Israeli Conflict

2 Essential Question: Can there be peace in the Arab-Israeli World?


4 Arab-Israeli War of 1948 14 May 1948: Israel declared an independent state Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, and Iraq invade on 15 May Fighting continues until January 1949 Jerusalem is divided between Israel and Jordan Fate of Palestinian refugees left undecided


6 Arab-Israeli War of 1956 USSR signs arms agreement with Egypt in 1955
Israelis feel threatened Attack and seize the Sinai and Gaza Strip Relinquished in 1957 French and British retake Suez Canal UN establishes peace keeping force in Sinai; still in place today

7 Arafat and the PLO Arafat forms the Palestinian National Liberation Front in 1959 Goal: to liberate Palestine from Israel through guerilla warfare Palestinian factions form the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964 Arafat becomes chairman Charter calls for elimination of state of Israel

8 Peace Accords Camp David 1979 Egypt recognizes Israel’s right to exist
Israel returns Sinai to Egypt

9 West Bank (2004) 86% 14% *Includes 190,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank and 180,000 Jewish Settlers in East Jerusalem

10 Gaza Strip (2004) 99% 1%

11 Arab-Israeli Conflict Today
Trying to maintain an ethnically preferential state (Jewish Israel) Continued military occupation and confiscation of privately owned land in the West Bank, and control over the Gaza Strip

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