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Developing Effective Logic Models for Continuous Program Improvement

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1 Developing Effective Logic Models for Continuous Program Improvement
Presented by: Hawley Carlson and Alicia Blood

2 Agenda Learning Objectives Theory of Change Overview of Logic Model
Learning Objectives Theory of Change Overview of Logic Model Logic Model Tablework How to Use Logic Models for Evaluation

3 Learning Objectives By the end of this presentation you will be able to: Identify the key components of a logic model Understand how to use a logic model for evaluation planning                                                                

4 Theory of Change Need Intervention Intended Outcome
What is a theory of change? The underlying idea of how your program will create change. Have each table create a basic theory of change for one program at the table. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

5 A detailed, visual representation of a program’s theory of change
What is a Logic Model? A detailed, visual representation of a program’s theory of change Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Why develop a logic model? (Generate shared understanding of how program functions, for planning, to evaluate program success) Examples of Inputs- funding, people, training Examples of Activities-workshops, counseling, What is the difference between an output and an outcome?

6 Logic Model Template

7 Output vs. Outcomes Outputs
are the direct products of a program’s activities and may include types, levels and targets of services to be delivered by the program Outcomes are the expected changes in the population served that result from a program’s activities and fall along a continuum, ranging from short to long term results Outputs – number of classes given, number of children served, Outcomes- changes in knowledge or behavior,

8 Output vs. Outcomes Outputs Outcomes
Direct products of a program’s activities/services Often expressed numerically or quantified in some way Examples: # attending workshops # receiving services # receiving referrals Changes resulting from a program’s activities/services • Quantify changes in knowledge, attitude, behavior, or condition • Examples: ↑ knowledge healthy choices ↑ adoption healthy practices ↑ food security Outputs – number of classes given, number of children served, Outcomes- changes in knowledge or behavior,

9 Create a Logic Model Things to keep in mind:
Two sides – process and outcomes If….then…. Have each table put 3 inputs, 2 activities 2 outputs and 1 of each type of outcome in logic model at tables. Alicia and I will circulate to provide feedback

10 Conservation Program Logic Model Sample

11 Evaluation Design program evaluation that measures your outcomes
Should be an active, learning process You may discover that the outcomes of your project are different than anticipated Based on your logic model, what questions do you have? What information needs to be collected? What is the evaluation timeframe? (Focus on short-term outcomes) Write research question for evaluation of programs at each table

12 Q & A

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