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Dr Aaron McManus ST2 GP AiT

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Aaron McManus ST2 GP AiT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Aaron McManus ST2 GP AiT
What Makes a Good Team? Dr Aaron McManus ST2 GP AiT 2

2 Who Are The Teams? Doctors Admin staff Running ward Nurses
Diagnose Treatment plans Prescribe Operate Discharge Admin staff Running ward Hygiene Staff management Bed manager Nurses Patient comfort Administer drugs Co-ordinate ward All have different jobs and potentially different individual objectives

3 How Do Teams Interact? Common Purpose
Doctors Diagnose Treatment plans Prescribe Operate Discharge Nurses Patient comfort Administer drugs Co-ordinate ward Common Purpose Admin staff Running ward Hygiene Staff management Bed manager Achieve best possible patient care as efficiently as possible

4 A Typical Team Six members How many relationships? 30 relationships
Add one new member 42 relationships One new member results in 12 additional relationships

5 Team Member Traits Team dynamics Recognising
Personality Chemistry Experience Social group Prejudice Recognising Different jobs Different individual objectives Different learning styles Hopefully all striving towards a COMMON PURPOSE!!!

6 Individual Learning Styles
Activist Pragmatist Reflector Theorist

7 Individual Learning Styles
Activist Pragmatist Reflector Theorist

8 Teams In Action Forming Storming Norming Performing
High dependency on leader for direction Little agreement on team aims Roles and responsibilities unclear Many questions about team purpose Processes often ignored Members test the tolerance of the system Storming Decisions don’t come easily within the group Team members vie for position Clarity of purpose increases Lots of uncertainties persist Cliques and factions form Leader coaching demand increases Norming Less dependency on leader for direction More agreement and consensus Big decisions made by team Smaller decisions delegated to individuals Commitment and unity strong Engagement in fun and sociable activities Leader facilitates rather than leads Performing Team more strategically aware of common purpose High focus on over-achieving goals Teams makes decisions on goals agreed with leader High degree of autonomy Disagreements resolved quickly and positively Leader delegates and oversees Motivation is high

9 High Performance Teams
Motivated Focus on over-achievement Good collaboration on major decisions Continuously improving processes Able to bond and overcome differences Leader able to take more of a back role Successional planning should be the norm

10 Low Performing Teams Do not address the underlying problems
Leader may not be strong enough in the forming / storming stage Politics take over Continuous lack of clarity and purpose Motivation will be low Performance suffers

11 Thank You Any questions?

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