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Presentation on theme: "Exponents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exponents

2 Bell Work

3 http://www. bing. com/videos/search

4 Zero Exponent 30 = 1 390 = -70 = (1/2)0 = Zero Exponent X0 = 1 70 = 1
RULE PROPERTY EXAMPLE Zero Exponent X0 = 1 70 = 1 30 = 1 390 = -70 = (1/2)0 = (4x3y5)0 =

5 Negative Exponent 3-1 = 1/3 39-1 = 1/39 ½-1 = 2 4x2y-2 =
RULE PROPERTY EXAMPLE Negative Exponent X-1 = 1/X 7-1 = 1/7 1/3 3-1 = 39-1 = 1/39 ½-1 = 2 4x2 y2 4x2y-2 = (4x3y5)-1 = __1__ 4x3y5

6 Product of Powers m3m3 = m6 (2n)(n4) = (x2y)(x5y2) = Product of Powers
RULE PROPERTY EXAMPLE Product of Powers XmXn = Xm+n X2X3 = X2+3 = X5 m3m3 = m6 y5 x y2 x y y8 (2n)(n4) = 2n5 (x2y)(x5y2) = x7y3

7 Quotient of Powers 32 33 x8 x7 Quotient of Powers Xm Xn X4 X2 35 x
RULE PROPERTY EXAMPLE Quotient of Powers Xm Xn X4 X2 = Xm-n 35 32 33 x8 x7 x 4x7y 2x5y4 2x2 y3


9 Classroom/Home work Page 207 1 – 50, odd

10 #3 #11 85 x 89 m7 x m0 85+9 m7 x 1 814 m7

11 #15 #21 a3 x a4 x a x a (5s2t3)(5s2t) a 5x5 s2+2 t3+1 89 52s4t4

12 #27 #37 64 43x3 42x 64-4 43-2x3-1 60 4x2 1

13 #47 #49 5c-4 (3a)-1 _5_ c4 1_ 3a

14 The rest of the answers:
27 814 x7 n4 x4 11. m7 15.a9 a8b7 19. p3q4r5 21. 52s4t4 23. 73 25. 86 27. 1 29. y4 31. 1 33. 1 35. a2b3 37. 4x2 39. 1/32 41. 1/x4 43. 3/a 45. 1/2y 47. 5/c4 49. 1/3a

15 What about raising a Power to a Power?
Onward! With exponents! What about raising a Power to a Power? (am)n

16 (35)4 (35) (35) (35) (35) 35x4 320

17 ((-2)3)2 (-23) (-23) -23+3 -23x2 -26

18 (y5)3 (y5) (y5)(y5) y5+5+5 y5x3 y15

19 -42x2y10z6

20 Board time! Practice! Work in Pairs! 1 board per Pair.

21 Exponent Puzzle time! Complete the Puzzle -
Homework consists of all odds! Do not complete Puzzle - Homework consist of all problems!

22 Homework Page 212, 1-40….odd

23 Page 212, 1-40 odd. # 5 (y5)9 y5*9 y45 # 13 (3y)4 34y4 81y4

24 Page 212, 1-40 odd. # 23 # 29 (5y4)3 53y4*3 125y12 (2x8y3)2 22x8*2y3*2

25 Page 212, 1-40 odd. # 33 (4x2y3z)4 44x2*4y3*4z4 256x8y12z4

26 Remaining Answers, Page 212, 1-40 odd.
210 3. 56 5. y45 7. m32 9. a30 11. p y y m x4 21. 4m4 y12 t6 k12 29. 4x16y6 x6y12 x8y12z4 /a6 37. x8/256 39. m12/n6

27 Simplify

28 Simplify

29 Simplify

30 Simplify b2(a3b)2 + a2(a2b2)2 2a6b4

31 Simplify (-2x2y3)4(xy)3 16x11y15

32 Simplify (3t-2m3)(2m-5)2(tm4)-3 __12__ t5m19

33 Worksheet time! Complete the worksheet….due at the end of class. Quiz on Wednesday. Laws of Exponents

34 Exponential Functions










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