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QoL Flex Term Choose Wisely. Choose Flex Term.
The new Quality of Life…Insurance SelectChoice II Accelerated Benefit Riders provide a great value proposition to your clients and prospects. This presentation will walk through the details of the new riders and explain how they work.
Invaluable Flexibility
QoL Flex Term Highlights Invaluable Flexibility 18 term durations – Ability to choose any duration between 10, years, and 35 year level term Clients can choose the policy duration to match their specific needs Includes QoL Accelerated Benefit Riders! Full Convertibility Full convertibility for the entire term period or up to age 70 Partial conversions available Expanded conversion credits – 8 years for 10 Year Term, or 10 years for all other durations!* Applied to accumulation value or premium on new, permanent policy *Conversion credit reduces the target premium on the new, permanent policy Read Slide
QoL Flex Term February 2019: Lower and more competitive rates
A mix of targeted decreases and increases that bolster competitiveness Band 10 year 15 year 20 year 25 year 30 year 35 year $100k Ranges from -8% to +5% -6% to +5% -7% to +5% -4% to +8% -11% to +5% -11% to +8% $250k -15% to +5% -14% to +5% -7% to +2% $500k -19% to +5% -9% to +5% -9% to +4% -6% to +3% $1M -18% to +5% -17% to +6% -10% to +5% -8% to +1% -3% to +1% Nearly every cell saw a change with about 60% seeing a decrease and 40% increased. The changes ranged from a 19% reduction to an 8% increase; the average cell dropped in price by 0.8% Increases No Changes Mixed Decreases Read from the slide
Not within $5 and beyond 15%
QoL Flex Term benefits for just a little more a month: $250k Face Most of these cells have improved with the new, lower rates Monthly amount more with QoL – Male, $250K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $1.35 $1.42 $1.60 $2.63 $3.23 $4.51 $11.21 $25.66 PNT $1.16 $1.72 $1.44 $2.01 $2.60 $3.10 $5.40 $9.21 $29.86 SPNT $1.64 $1.91 $3.19 $2.48 $3.76 $8.07 $7.01 $11.07 $8.32 SNT $0.58 $2.20 $2.27 $1.94 $2.32 $3.97 $4.97 $7.89 $12.22 PT $5.97 $7.26 $5.95 $11.23 $8.94 $15.29 $14.08 $56.47 ST $7.58 $6.94 $13.15 $8.31 $14.39 $18.34 $30.59 $33.34 $83.92 Monthly amount more with QoL – Female, $250K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $0.73 $1.37 $0.74 $1.32 $1.89 $2.99 $3.15 $8.13 $17.92 PNT $1.52 $1.07 $1.36 $1.87 $2.08 $4.07 $7.30 $19.58 SPNT $2.05 $1.96 $2.03 $1.91 $4.82 $6.74 $9.79 $15 SNT $1.93 $1.97 $2.11 $2.90 $3.94 $5.57 $8.96 PT $6.35 $3.77 $6.17 $3.57 $7.48 $7.43 $17.45 $19.57 $15.67 ST $7.86 $4.89 $3.42 $8.84 $12.54 $13.70 $24.38 $36.54 $21.88 Read from the slide Legend: Within $5 or 15% Not within $5 and beyond 15% Comparison of the monthly premiums of QoL Flex Term versus fifteen of its competitors: Accordia Term Life, ANICO Signature Term, AXA Equitable Term 20, Banner OPTerm, John Hancock Term 17, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest Level Term, Lincoln LifeElement Level Term 20, Mutual of Omaha Term Life Answers, North American ADDvantage 20, Pacific Life Prime Term 20, Principal Term Life, Prudential Term Essential 20, Transamerica Trendsetter LB.. Current as of February 15, 2019.
Not within $5 and beyond 15%
QoL Flex Term benefits for just a little more a month: $500k Face Most of these cells have improved with the new, lower rates Monthly amount more with QoL – Male, $500K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $0.97 $1.34 $1.88 $3.35 $4.47 $9.04 $17.49 $28.15 PNT $0.62 $2.62 $2.55 $2.66 $3.27 $4.70 $11.46 $14.46 $39.66 SPNT $2.33 $3.09 $3.15 $3.44 $5.03 $6.92 $10.64 $15.77 $25.71 SNT $0.59 $3.12 $3.75 $5.31 $7.41 $7.46 $13.01 $19.44 PT $3.19 $5.92 $7.17 $18.60 $17.53 $31.33 $38.03 $40.69 ST $8.23 $7.37 $7.61 $9.88 $18.43 $22.53 $31.53 $48.99 $50.43 Monthly amount more with QoL – Female, $500K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $1.36 $1.79 $0.93 $1.17 $2.70 $3.73 $5.84 $13.26 $25.74 PNT $2.03 $1.93 $2.15 $2.75 $3.58 $5.50 $16.47 $29.01 SPNT $2.11 $2.69 $2.76 $3.01 $3.88 $5.48 $7.81 $11.46 $45.09 SNT $2.84 $2.94 $2.83 $3.36 $3.55 $5.05 $7.65 $0 PT $9.03 $4.73 $4.87 $6.09 $10.17 $12.45 $21.01 $21.57 $29.50 ST $10.54 $8.39 $7.30 $7.58 $10.18 $22.52 $36.03 $29.80 $37.49 Legend: Within $5 or 15% Not within $5 and beyond 15% Read from the slide Comparison of the monthly premiums of QoL Flex Term versus fifteen of its competitors: Accordia Term Life, ANICO Signature Term, AXA Equitable Term 20, Banner OPTerm, John Hancock Term 17, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest Level Term, Lincoln LifeElement Level Term 20, Mutual of Omaha Term Life Answers, North American ADDvantage 20, Pacific Life Prime Term 20, Principal Term Life, Prudential Term Essential 20, Transamerica Trendsetter LB.. Current as of February 15, 2019.
Data is current as of February 15, 2015.
QoL Flex Term Changes vs. Other Term Products with Living Benefits vs. ANICO, LSW and Transamerica Trendsetter LB 15-30-year durations and $250,000 and up face amounts Ranking Annual Rates Monthly Rates Top 1 32% 39% Top 2 60% 68% ANICO, LSW and Transamerica Trendsetter LB also offer accelerated benefit riders and a range of popular face amounts making these the most directly competitive products to QoL Flex Term: QoL Flex Term is more competitive than ever with the recent reprice Only North American ADDvantage, which added built-in ABRs in September, 2018 is generally less expensive than QoL Flex Term Unlike ANICO and LSW, QoL Flex Term offers all UW classes at $250,000 and less. Read from the slide, plus additional information to note: Mutual of Omaha Express is not included because Compulife – the third-party software we use to collect most rates – is missing rates for a number of cells for females. It would only play at one-third of the cells in the target, $250K. Data is current as of February 15, 2015.
No other major carrier matches its range of features
QoL Flex Term Feature Comparison No other major carrier matches its range of features Company Durations Offered Minimum Face Accelerated Benefits 10 15 20 25 30 35 Other QoL Flex Term a $100K ANICO Signature Term $50K AXA BrightLife Term $250K Banner OPTerm Brighthouse Guaranteed Level Term $1M John Hancock Term 18 Lincoln LifeElements Term LSW Level Term Mutual of Omaha Term Life Express* $25K North American ADDvantage Term Prudential Term Essential Transamerica Trendsetter LB Read from slide, plus additional information: The ANICO product is their regular product, not the SI version. * Maximum DB is $300,000; $250,000 for ages Term Life Answers is their higher face amount term product. Data is current as of February 15, The products with a border offer similar living benefits to QoL Flex Term.
Convert to Full Portfolio
QoL Flex Term Conversion vs. The Competition Product Until year Until age Conversion Credit Convert to Full Portfolio QoL Flex Term Entire term 70 a ANICO Signature Term 10 to 18 65 Banner OPTerm Entire Term Brighthouse Guaranteed Level Term John Hancock Term 18 Lincoln LifeElements Term LSW Level Term 10 to 20 Mutual of Omaha Term Life Answers Entire Term: 30-year is 20 75 North American ADDvantage 74 30-year is 69 Prudential Term Essential SBLI Guaranteed Level Term Transamerica Trendsetter LB 75 for PPNT 70 others Read from the slide Data is current as of February 15, The products with a border offer similar living benefits to QoL Flex Term.
QoL Flex Term Competitive Tobacco Premiums, Too
$1,000,000 Face Amount, Preferred Tobacco Product Female year Male, year Female year QoL Flex Term $1,600 $7,590 $1,985 ANICO Signature Term $1,660 $7,580 $2,130 LSW Level Term $1,665 $7,825 $2,255 Pacific Life Prime Term $7,815 Lincoln LifeElements $1,730 $9,060 $2,224 Transamerica Trendsetter LB $1,760 $8,480 $2,050 Prudential Term Essential $1,785 $7,575 $2,215 John Hancock Level Term 18 $1,859 $10,672 — Brighthouse Guaranteed Level Term $1,839 $7,579 $2,259 Mutual of Omaha Term Life Answers $1,973 $8,303 $2,363 Read from the slide Data is current as of February 15, The products with a border offer similar living benefits to QoL Flex Term.
QoL Flex Term Issue Ages
Longer Coverage Periods Plan Duration Non-Tobacco Tobacco 10 Year 20-80* 20-75* 15 Year 20-70 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 20-69 19 Year 20-67 20 Year 20-65 21 Year 20-68 20-63 22 Year 20-62 Plan Duration Non-Tobacco Tobacco 23 Year 20-66 20-61 24 Year 20-64 20-59 25 Year 20-63 20-58 26 Year 20-62 20-57 27 Year 20-60 20-55 28 Year 20-54 29 Year 20-53 30 Year 20-50 35 Year 20-45 20-40 Here are the maximum issue ages for each of the term durations for both non-tobacco and tobacco users. The biggest thing to notice is that the QoL Flex Term no longer offers juvenile coverage. The minimum issue age for all term durations is 20. This chart can be found in the QoL Flex Term Producer guide to be used as a reference for you. *Maximum Table Rating for issue ages 71+ is Table D For issue ages 71+, no flat extras allowed
Minimum issue age: 20 for all cases Age nearest birthday Available Riders: Accelerated Benefit Riders Accidental Death Benefit ($100k minimum face, through Table D) Child Rider* Waiver of Premium** *State availability may vary **Not available on face amount above $5M (per life limit) Read Slide
QoL Flex Term ADDITIONAL INFORMATION QoL ABR Disclosure form required
Same as on QoL Max Accumulator+ and QoL Guarantee Plus GULII Commission chargeback is 100% in first 6 months; 50% in months 7-12 Initial credit card payment option available Available for initial premium payment Only on policies set up for draft at issue (not available in AK, MD, NC, NJ, NY) Complete credit card authorization form (AGLC REV0215) See New Business Bulletin for full details Read Slide
Read Slide
QoL Flex Term Cheaper Than a Cup of Coffee
These charts are pulled directly from an approved sales idea that you may use for your reference. Against our most direct competitors, for the comparisons listed, you can see that our term premium is cheaper than those in the chart. Not only is the monthly premium the lowest, our term products also offer very competitive ABR coverages that are included automatically on all of our term policies.
QoL Flex Term Cheaper Than a Cup of Coffee
QoL Flex Term Offers the ability to pay for only what is needed
QoL Flex Term Offers the ability to pay for only what is needed
Dave, 45 year old, rated PPNT Has a wife and three children Has 17 years remaining on a $500,000 mortgage With QoL Flex Term, Dave can purchase a $500,000 policy for 17 years. To provide coverage for that duration with other carriers, Dave would have to purchase a 20-year policy. Read Slide
QoL Flex Term Non-standard durations are a unique and differentiating feature for QoL Flex Term. Male, age 45, PPNT $500,000 17 Year Duration Annual Premium QoL Flex Term $547 20 Year Duration More than QoL Flex Term Banner OPTerm 20 $567 +4% American National Signature Term $580 +6% Lincoln LifeElements $590 +7% Prudential Term Essential $600 +10% Pacific Life Prime Term $605 +11% John Hancock Term $611 +12% Mututal of Omaha Term Life Answers $618 +13% LSW Level Term $670 +23% Transamerica Trendsetter Super $725 +33% Transamerica Trendsetter LB $805 +47% Read from slide Data is current as of February 15, The case is a male, 45, PPNT, $500,000 face amount. The products highlighted in yellow offer similar living benefits to QoL Flex Term
QoL Advantage Offers banding discounts as well as the ability to waive the policy fee on the associated term policies. Applies to purchasing multiple term policies or a UL policy with associated term policies. Banding is a volume discount for the multiple policies. The total face amount between all policies is considered in the banding. The higher the total face amount, the lower the per unit of insurance for the client. Read Slide
QoL Advantage POLICY FEES The annual policy fee is $75.
If QoL Flex Term is purchased with an additional QoL product(s), the policy fee for the associated term policy/policies will be waived. The following represents the scenario in which the policy fee is waived: If the insured is the same as qualifying insured, with the same application date and is billed (ABC) to the same person, then the policy fee is $0. Read Slide
Build your life insurance on YOUR terms. With QoL Advantage, you choose the exact amount and period of coverage you need. Not only does QoL Advantage let you customize your loved ones’ coverage, it can help you save money on premiums with laddering. What is Laddering? Laddering means you buy multiple smaller policies that custom tailor your needs rather than one large policy. Read Slide Clients should consult a financial professional to determine if the laddering technique is appropriate for their situation.
1 2 3 4 QoL Advantage LADDERING: HOW IT WORKS Identify your needs
Determine how long you need coverage Determine the amount of those needs Buy multiple policies that match your needs exactly, instead of one larger policy By laddering your policies, you can purchase the right amount of coverage in a cost-effective way. Read Slide Clients should consult a financial professional to determine if the laddering technique is appropriate for their situation.
Larry, age 39, has two children ages 5 and 8. His goals are to purchase life insurance to provide for his family in the following situations: $250,000 of coverage on himself until his youngest child reaches age 21 $500,000 of coverage until retirement at age 62 to protect his family’s income needs $250,000 of coverage to pay off his mortgage, which has 27 years remaining Read Slide This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features might work.
Initial Annual Savings:
QoL Advantage LADDERING: SEE IT IN ACTION Larry could buy a single $1 million policy, but the closest term period offered by other companies would be 30 years. $1 million 30 year QoL Flex Term: $1,280 annual Male, age 39, Preferred Non-Tobacco PURPOSE WITH QoL ADVANTAGE 16 Year 250k DB Youngest Child Reaches Age 21 $142 23 Year 500k DB To Retirement $466 27 Year 250k DB Mortgage Protection $356 TOTAL $964 Initial Annual Savings: $316 Read Slide This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features might work.
Total premiums paid into three term policies:
QoL Advantage LADDERING: SEE IT IN ACTION Even if Larry cancelled his 30 year term policy after his total 27-year needs had expired: Premiums paid into $1 million policy: $34,560 Total premiums paid into three term policies: $22,606 $11,954 savings! Minus Read Slide This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Not an actual case and intended solely to depict how the product features might work.
Questions? Read Slide
Policies issued by: American General Life Insurance Company (AGL), Policy Form Numbers ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , 82012, 82410, 88390, ICC , 14306, ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC Issuing company AGL is responsible for financial obligations of insurance products and is a member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). AGL does not solicit business in the state of New York. Products may not be available in all states and product features may vary by state. Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance operations of American International Group, Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at All products and services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not be available in all countries, and coverage is subject to actual policy language. This information is general in nature, may be subject to change, and does not constitute legal, tax or accounting advice from any company, its employees, financial professionals or other representatives. Applicable laws and regulations are complex and subject to change. Any tax statements in this material are not intended to suggest the avoidance of U.S. federal, state or local tax penalties. For advice concerning your individual circumstances, consult a professional attorney, tax advisor or accountant. Please visit for important disclosures regarding accelerated benefit riders. © AIG All rights reserved AGLC110488 Read Slide
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