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Limerick – Ireland’s Digital City

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1 Limerick – Ireland’s Digital City
Urban Development Conference Dublin, 21/02/2019 Dr. Mihai Bilauca Head of Digital Strategy Limerick City & County Council

2 Fourth Industrial Revolution Disruptive Innovation
The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. Artificial Intelligence IoT. Data. Quantum Computing New Services Digital Fabrication Market Disruption Automation Efficiency Connected Worlds

3 New Challenges Urbanisation
over 70% of the world population will live in urban areas. It is also estimated that 80% of economic growth will be generated in cities [2]. Some 1.3 million people are moving to cities every week. Jobs Replacement Inequalities Digital Dependency Population Growth Ageing Population Ageing Infrastructure $1 Trillion Annual Investment Gap

4 Smart Cities Sustainable. Resilient.
Engaged Citizen Participation Co-creation Informed Data. Analytics. ICT Integrated Transformed New Structures Collaboration

5 Local Innovation Systems
Visionary Leadership Smart Cities Reality Local Innovation Systems PP Partnerships Smart Regulation Global Standards Source: World Economic Forum, Cities and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 2018

6 Limerick 2030 Economic & Spatial Plan
12,000 Jobs 5,000 in the City Centre €1b Investment 500,000 sq.ft of enterprise space

7 Smarter Ways of Working Limerick Digital Strategy

8 Smart Limerick Roadmap
10 Programmes 125 Projects 5 years €15m Investment

9 Urban Digital Transformation
Based on the Digital Business Transformation Framework by M.Wade - Global Center for Digital Business Transformation 2015

10 Putting People First Structural Change
Council Organisational Change Programme Putting People First Structural Change Strategy & Operations Customer Services Staff Development Project Management Digital Transformation Programme New offerings

11 LIMERICK.IE Integrated Digital Experience Platform
A strong voice for Limerick 17 integrated websites 1m visitors (2018) Top 25 tourism websites in the World (Skift 2017)

Integrated Customer Experience MY LIMERICK ONLINE Services My Favourite Places Inspire Me Cases - Requests Representations Licences, Grants, etc.

13 Mobile Operations Instant Response to My Limerick & Customer Services
Timely information to & from ground crews Evidence of work carried out (Photos, GPS, QR Codes, etc.)

14 Engagement & Participation The Key to Smart Cities
Engagement Model (University of Limerick) Engagement & Participation The Key to Smart Cities Data Crowd-sourcing City & Town Engage MY POINT Online Consultation

15 Digital Infrastructure
Municipal Data Network IoT Deployment Public WiFi Digital Infrastructure Air Quality Noise Sensors Pedestrian Counters What is the role that Government and Local Government needs to play? Parking Guides VMS Smart CCTV

16 Enterprise Architecture
Data as a Service Insight Limerick Real-time Data Open Data Enterprise Architecture Research with LERO

17 Collaboration & Leadership Critical in securing ( Funding
Limerick Charter Limerick Digital Leaders Network Council Digital Champions Forum

18 Derry Belfast Dublin Galway
A community of practice focused on the advancement of cities and communities in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Limerick Waterford Cork @smartcitiesireland

19 Ireland 2040 Vision Limerick Digital City
Smarter Living in Smart Limerick Smart Homes, Buildings, Energy First European Lighthouse Smart City in Ireland

20 Limerick Digital Quarter
Positive Energy District This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No

21 LIMERICK 2030 IS… Follow us on

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