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Activity on WFD and Agriculture

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Presentation on theme: "Activity on WFD and Agriculture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity on WFD and Agriculture
State-of-Play SCG Meeting, 7 November 2007 European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine

2  Issues  Development of catalogue of measures  Guidance document on land-use and groundwater  Core group on article 38 of RDR  New PRB-Agri Network  Events  Outcomes of Conference on WFD and CAP, September in Paris

3  Issues  Development of catalogue of measures  Guidance document on land-use and groundwater  Core group on article 38 of RDR  New PRB-Agri Network  Events  Outcomes of Conference on WFD and CAP, September in Paris

4 Development of catalogue of measures
EU wide source of information on measures aimed to address agricultural pressures Access data base with two starting points: (1) pressure based approach and (2) measure based approach Three main groups of measures: (1) economic and regulatory instruments; (2) technical measures; (3) training and advisory services This tool will help MS design their programmes of measures

5 Attributes Effectiveness
Pollution Layers for each pressure: Pollution (nitrogen, phosphorus and pesticides) Alterations of hydrologic regimes Hydro-morphological modification of surface water Soil erosion Remarks Attributes Costs Attributes Effectiveness Implementation M1 Measure M2 M3

6 Attributes Effectiveness
Measure Attributes Costs Attributes Effectiveness Implementation Remarks Description Direct costs and references to case studies with wider economic costs and benefits Magnitude, scale, timing, certainty Planned/adopted, constraints Synergies, links with other pressures, references

7 Contributions received so far
AT, BE, DK, ES, FR, NL, SE, Helcom, JRC/PRB – more information on water quality than on water quantity Further information from MS by 15 November will be welcome Timetable  First draft catalogue to be disseminated to the SSG on WFD and Agriculture on 20 November 2007  1st trimester 2008: discussion and refinement  May 2008: presentation to SCG and June 2008: presentation to WD

8  Issues  Development of catalogue of measures  Guidance document on land-use and groundwater  Core group on article 38 of RDR  New PRB-Agri Network  Events  Outcomes of Conference on WFD and CAP, September in Paris

9 Land use and Groundwater
 WG involved: SSG on WFD and Agriculture and WG C on Groundwater  Objective: develop guidance document focused on (1) underlying drivers of land use; (2) impacts of land use on groundwater; (3) issues addressed at EU level and (4) recommendations to MS  Drafting group in place (MS, Stakeholders, JRC, DG ENV, DG AGRI)  Drafting process from December 2007 to March 2008  Consultation of WG in April 2008  Finalisation from June to October 2008

10  Issues  Development of catalogue of measures  Guidance document on land-use and groundwater  Core group on article 38 of RDR  New PRB-Agri Network  Events  Outcomes of Conference on WFD and CAP, September in Paris

11 Core group on article 38 of RDR
 Context: forthcoming definition of article 38 implementing rules at EU level  Challenge: ensure effective use of article 38 to help implement WFD emerging measures  Objective of core group: organise exchange of views on future use of article 38 by MS, opportunities and identification of appropriate conditions of use – work to start in early 2008  Participants: BE (Fl), FR, LU, PL, COPA-COGECA, ECPA

12  Issues  Development of catalogue of measures  Guidance document on land-use and groundwater  Core group on article 38 of RDR  New PRB-Agri Network  Events  Outcomes of Conference on WFD and CAP, September in Paris

13 New PRB-Agri Network  Note sent to Water Directors on 27 September  On basis of replies received so far, the new PRB-Agri Network will be composed of: Weser Scheldt (tbc) 10 UK catchments Cris/Koros (Danube RB) Malta Guadalquivir + other late replies?  Kick off meeting to be organised in early 2008 to discuss work organisation and timetable

14  Issues  Development of catalogue of measures  Guidance document on land-use and groundwater  Core group on article 38 of RDR  New PRB-Agri Network  Events  Outcomes of Conference on WFD and CAP, September in Paris

15 Information on CAP health check
 Communication to be adopted on 20 November 2007  Initial analysis to be presented by DG ENV at next WD meeting  Analysis will compare the Communication with the Declaration adopted by WD in November 2006  Discussion of way forward at WD meeting

16 Thank you for your attention

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