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Class procedures Drama 1.

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1 Class procedures Drama 1

2 Come on in! The first thing you will do is get out your journal.
Sharpen your pencil or borrow materials before the bell rings. Be seated with the bell. Look to the board under JOURNAL and read the quote and tell me what it means in your own words. It might be a writing prompt, or trivia. Follow the directions that are up there!

3 Lecture Usually the first 15 minutes of class are lecture/presentation based. Get your notes ready Listen, and write down things that I ask you to. At the end of the lecture/presentation will be instructions for the activity. Pay attention to the instructions as I give them. Do not talk during any presentations.

4 Activity At the end of the lecture I will give explicit verbal instructions. Often it is to create a skit with a group, incorporating terms or ideas that we learned. Usually at end of PowerPoint is written instruction. On the whiteboard is usually handwritten instruction. Break up into groups Discuss, plot, and outline what you want skit to look like. Get up and rehearse when plot is worked out. This is the time for conversations, working together as an ensemble to complete the task before you.

5 Movement/Rehearsal When you are ready to get up and rehearse, do so.
Stay focused on your task. Rehearse until the bell or assignment due. No phones, I may give permission for research of monologues or scenes or design imagery, but otherwise NO PHONES!

6 Participation Warming up in the circle with the class.
Playing the improvisation games and activities. Conversing with ensemble about activity. Performing when assignment is due. Working on the theatre assignment during class time.

7 Participation is NOT Looking on your phone, tablet, or computer.
Sitting on the floor near an outlet. Working on ANOTHER class assignment during my class time, instead of completing, or rehearsing my assignment. Sitting in chairs while everyone else warms up. Sitting out of exercise or game because you think it’s silly. Refusing to perform.

8 List of Do Not's Don’t sit behind my desk Don’t touch computers
Don’t move teacher chairs (wheels or cushions) Don’t sit at podium Don’t touch anything at my workstation Don’t sit in black chair in Black Box Don’t touch costumes or props Don’t unplug any of my things so you can charge your phone.

9 Repercussions First you will be warned of your offense.
Then you will be assigned an ASD with me after school from 2:30 until 3:15 The following offenses warrant an ASD Phones out Headphones Food/drinks Audience etiquette Inappropriate language Touching props or costumes Not performing or having work completed

10 What do you do at ASD? Sweep black box Clean white boards
Clean desk tops Organize Library Clean Dressing Rooms Organize Costumes/props Stack chairs and clean under risers. Don’t attend my ASD receive a referral.

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