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Welcome to Academic & Career Planning Night!

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1 Welcome to Academic & Career Planning Night!

2 Redesigning High Schools
Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 Virginia’s “Profile of a Virginia Graduate” The Board of Education is redesigning the high school experience and developing a Profile of a Virginia Graduate to better align diploma requirements with the expectations of higher education and businesses. Input from students, families and educators: Earning a diploma should be about more than passing a prescribed series of courses and tests. Input from higher education, businesses and the military: To be successful in life, graduates need skills and attributes such as the “5 C’s”:  Critical thinking Creative thinking Communication Collaboration Citizenship Effective with first-time ninth graders in the fall of the school year, or the graduating class of 2022.

3 Redesigning High Schools
Virginia’s “Profile of a Virginia Graduate” Defines what it means to be “prepared for success” and “ready for life” after high school. Describes the knowledge, skills, competencies, experiences and attributes that students must attain to be prepared for success in college and/or the work force and to be “life ready” in a 21st Century economy and a world characterized by rapid change. A “life-ready” Virginia graduate must have: Academic and technical knowledge Productive workplace skills, qualities, and behaviors Community engagement and civic responsibility Align knowledge, skills and personal interests with career opportunities

4 Redesigning High Schools
Redesigning the High School Experience Early years of High School: Emphasize the development of core skill sets Later years of High School: Establish multiple paths toward college and career readiness (including opportunities for internships, externships, and credentialing) Academic & Career Planning Night Important part of our career planning efforts Designed/structured to help students make informed scheduling and career path decisions Introduce course offerings and show where courses fit into the 16 career clusters

5 Academic & Career Planning

6 Course Registration & Scheduling
When scheduling courses, we ideally consider ACPs As we look at career clusters, we will determine in which areas we need more courses in the future The MCPS Program of Studies is organized by “Career Pathways” rather than by content areas

7 The Scheduling Process
School counselor will visit classes to complete registration form & online PowerSchool registration at school Registration form will come home for signature from parent/guardian School counselor will meet with each student to confirm requests. Verification sheets will be sent home with 3rd and 4th nine-weeks report cards.




11 110 Request Algebra 110/22 = 5 Sections 100 Request Art I 100/22 = 4.5 Sections

12 Available Staffing & Resources
Ag Mechanics I 34 Ag Mechanics II 25 Small Animal Care 18 Vet Science 20 Equine Management 10 Horticulture Science 17 Floral Design 25 Small Engine Repair 7 Welding 4 TOTAL 9 Course Sections Staffing = 6 Course Sections Available Staffing & Resources

13 Available Staffing & Resources
Ag Mechanics I 34 Ag Mechanics II 25 Small Animal Care 18 Vet Science 20 Equine Management 10 Horticulture Science 17 Floral Design 25 Small Engine Repair 7 Welding 4 Max Class Size = 20 Available Staffing & Resources

14 Available Staffing & Resources
Ag Mechanics I 34 (-14) 1 Ag Mechanics II 25 (-5) 1 Small Animal Care 18 (+2) 1 Vet Science 20 1 Equine Management 10 Horticulture Science 17 (+3) 1 Floral Design 25 (-5) 1 Small Engine Repair 7 Welding 4 TOTAL 6 Sections of 20 each Available Staffing & Resources

15 10/15 Review/Update current course catalog and course maps;
approve new course proposals and staffing requests. 12/4 School Board Approval of Program of Studies 12/10 Auto scheduler setup complete 12/14 Final Program of Studies & Course Registration Sheets Provided to High Schools 1/29 Academic and Career Planning Nights completed 2/15 Rising 9th Grade Course Registration completed 3/8 Rising 10th-12th Grade Course Registration completed 3/8 Math and intervention placements completed Placement letters for Math and intervention programs sent to parents 3/14 Principal’s Meeting to discuss / determine final staffing 3/29 Courses Requests verified / Course Tallies Finalized 5/13-5/14Power Scheduler Work Session with Technology 5/20 First Draft of Master Schedule completed 6/7 Master Schedule committed 7/15 Schedules Mailed Home

16 Graduation Requirements


18 (current 10th and 11th graders)
For classes of 2020, and 2021 (current 10th and 11th graders)

19 For students in the class of 2022 and beyond




23 Career Coach Holly Murden - Here at AHS on Mondays and Tuesdays to help students with career exploration, college plans and other needs.

24 Job Shadowing – Mentorship – Internship
Work-Based Learning Job Shadowing – Mentorship – Internship On Course Registration Sheets for Juniors and Seniors: External – Varied opportunities (NO OTHER EARLY RELEASES ) Internal – Technology Support, Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow, Maintenance, Athletic Trainer, Lighting & Sound

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