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IDENTIFY: Off-label OK vs. Woah, BAD Misuse!

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Presentation on theme: "IDENTIFY: Off-label OK vs. Woah, BAD Misuse!"— Presentation transcript:

1 IDENTIFY: Off-label OK vs. Woah, BAD Misuse!
Deliberate and Willful Disregard of Product Directions


3 © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2018 STOCKHOLM 2017 Cushion €10 IKEA hacks

4 Consumer and product safety is a top priority at IKEA
IIS Group Policy on Product Safety and Quality Based on our values Consumer and product safety is a top safety at IKEA. We believe that all people have the right to a safe home. We also believe in caring for people an the planet, togetherness and simplicity. This means that we see all people with a home as our target group. We do not limit our work creating awareness and sharing safety knowledge in our to fulfil our vision to our customers. Product safety is always a top priority when designing and offering IKEA products and we go to great length to ensure that our offerings comply with applicable laws and regulations in each IKEA market as well as our own high standards for quality and safety. Every IKEA product is subjected to rigorous testing to make sure that they perform in conformity with our high demands to keep our customers safe. Some hackers are enthusiasts showing their hacks to the online community, others are even offering hacks for sale. While many of these hacks show an admirable level of creativity, not all of these hacks seem equally safe to use and some hacks seen on the Internet are even outright dangerous.

5 March 2014 Cease and Desist notification stating infringement on the IKEA trademark Jules published the C&D on her web Massive support in social media by fans of Jules, and IKEA The C&D letter – and this has to be said – was a correct legal action taken by correct legal resources. But it wasn’t the IKEA way. It wasn’t expressed in the IKEA tone of voice, it wasn’t what was expected of IKEA fans – and as it turned out it wasn’t really what we expected of our selves.

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