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Lingua Inglese III (6-12 Cfu) Global Englishes A. A. 2016/17 Prof

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1 Lingua Inglese III (6-12 Cfu) Global Englishes A. A. 2016/17 Prof
Lingua Inglese III (6-12 Cfu) Global Englishes A.A. 2016/17 Prof. Enrico Grazzi

2 Alessia Cogo’s definition of ELF
ELF is a flexible, co-constructed, and therefore variable, means of communication. The variability is locally constructed in different geographical areas and domains, but not necessarily geographically constrained, since remote, virtual communities may also develop ELF communicative practices. (A. Cogo (2015). English as a Lingua Franca: Descriptions, Domains and Applications, in H. Bowles and A. Cogo (Eds.), International perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca, Basingstoke: Palgrave – Macmillan, p. 2)

3 Homework: Reading A6, pp. 40/45 (including Activity on pp. 43/44)
Reading B6, pp. 90/99 (including Activities on pp. 95, 96, 99) Watch the interview to Jennifer Jenkins at: Listen to Jennifer Jenkins’s interview on BBC Radio 4 given on Sept. 5, 2011:

4 Composition (500 words) Why is contemporary modern English changing? Discuss the main reasons that contribute to the development of global Englishes today, and make a few relevant examples of language variations.

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