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The Life of Christ – Lesson 7

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1 The Life of Christ – Lesson 7
Review Questions January 30, 2019 Matthew Chapters 5-7; Luke 6:20-49

2 Healing the Centurion’s Servant Matthew 8:1, 5-13; Luke 7:1-10
Looking back over the photos I have taken in the past three weeks, I noted this unusual one of Capernaum from the hill above, up toward the Mount of Beatitudes. This photos shows the northeast corner of the Sea of Galilee with a portion of the plain of Bethsaida visible. Capernaum became the Galilean center for the ministry of Jesus.

3 Review Questions What does it mean to be “blessed”?
After pronouncing blessings upon those in certain trying conditions, upon what classes of people did Jesus pronounce woes? Why? Define each beatitude and list the reward for each one. What is the salt of the earth? Who is the salt of the earth? Of what value is salt that loses its savor? Apply your answers to Jesus’ sermon.

4 Review Questions Who is the light of the world? What is to be our reason for letting our light shine before men? What was Jesus’ purpose in regards to the Law and the Prophets? How can one’s righteousness exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees? What was one to do when he was angry with his brother? What application does that have today?

5 Review Questions Why is one who looks on a woman to lust guilty of adultery in his heart? What is the marriage law of God? What is the one exception to it? Summarize and explain the prohibition against swearing. List and explain the teachings of Jesus which stand opposed to the following principles: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.

6 Review Questions What warnings are given to those who do their charitable deeds, pray, and/or fast before men to be seen by them? What is their reward? Why? Summarize the model prayer. Explain each portion of it. Where are we to lay up treasures? Why? What results when we try to serve two masters? What application does Jesus make of this fact?

7 Review Questions What illustrations does Jesus use to support the principle that one should seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness above all? Why are they such fitting examples? What type of judging does Jesus forbid? What happens when the blind lead the blind? What application does Jesus make of this principle? What example does Jesus use to show that God will supply the needs of His children who ask of Him?

8 Review Questions Explain and apply the principle of Matthew 7:12.
According to Jesus, what possible ways can one walk in life? How is each way entered? How can one recognize a false teacher? Who will enter the kingdom of God? Who will not be allowed to enter it? Why? Who does Jesus call “wise”? Who does He call “foolish”? How did the people react to Jesus teaching?

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