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Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity

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Presentation on theme: "Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
Is there a difference between saying many people and a lot of people?

2 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
Is there a difference between saying many people and a lot of people? Would we say many of people or some of people?

3 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
satis pecuniae

4 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
satis pecuniae enough (of) money nimium vīnī

5 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
satis pecuniae enough (of) money nimium vīnī too much (of) money

6 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
satis pecuniae enough (of) money nimium vīnī too much (of) money plūs sanguinis

7 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
satis pecuniae enough (of) money nimium vīnī too much (of) money plūs sanguinis more (of) blood

8 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
nimium pecuniae

9 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
nimium pecuniae too much (of) money

10 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
nimium pecuniae too much (of) money nihil perīculī

11 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
nimium pecuniae too much (of) money nihil perīculī no danger (nothing of danger)

12 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
plūs labōris multum cibī plūs hominum

13 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
ōlim tria mīlia hostium occidit.

14 Genitives with Words of Amount/Quantity
ōlim tria mīlia hostium occidit. Once he killed three thousand enemies

15 Romans didn’t say “enough money”.
Instead they would say “enough of money”. What case do you think that they used for money?

16 Genitive Case with 5 Adjectives
satis (enough) nimium (too much) plus (more) nihil (nothing) multum (a lot / much) These words which describe quantity or amount take an object in the genitive case.

17 too much money no danger (lit, nothing of danger) more work much food Multum and nihil can sometimes take one of these Genitive Objects.

18 satis temporis satis pecuniae too much water more money enough time enough money nimium aquae plus pecuniae

19 He is soldier of great virtue = miles magnae virtutis est.
Genitive of Quality Similarly with English, you can use a genitive to describe a quality of a noun. Example: He is soldier of great virtue = miles magnae virtutis est.

20 a man of very little prudence
a youth of 20 years (a 20 year old youth) a woman of great wisdom a story of this kind a girl of very great intelligence a man of very good character

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