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Fetal Membranes, Placenta and Twinning

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1 Fetal Membranes, Placenta and Twinning
Jun Zhou (周俊) School of Medicine, ZheJiang University

2 OBJECTIVES The components of fetal membrane and their functions.
Structure and function of placenta Composition of Placenta barrier

3 Fetal membrane (胎膜) Originate from blastocyst(胚泡), don’t participate in the formation of embryo Including: 1) Chorion(绒毛膜) 2) Amnion(羊膜) 3) Yolk sac(卵黄囊) 4) Allantois(尿囊) 5)Umbilical cord(脐带)

4 Chorion(绒毛膜) Formed by trophoblast +extraembryonic mesoderm
Chorion frondosum(丛密绒毛膜)-embryonic pole Chorion laeve(平滑绒毛膜)-abembryonic pole

5 Chorion Primary villi (2w): cytotrophoblast+syncytiotrophoblast
Secondary villi (3w):extraembryonic mesoderm enter the primary villi Tertiary villi (end of 3w): extraembryonic mesoderm =>CT+BV

6 Function of Chorion Exchange of metabolite: 2) Hormone production:
portion of placenta (Chorion frondosum) 2) Hormone production: human chorionic gonadotropin绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG)

7 Amnion(羊膜) Amniotic membrane: amniotic epi.+ extraembryonic mesoderm
Amniotic fluid: Produce:1)amniotic cells 2) urine output from the fetus Output: 1) absorbed by amniotic cells 2) fetus swallow 1-1.5 liter – circulate

8 Amnion - Fluid Functions Mechanically cushion
Protect from fetus adhesion Movement Maintain Temp

9 Abnormalities 1) too much (polyhydramnios) >1500 ml
Abnormal digestive system or CNS - esophageal atresia(食管闭锁) - anencephaly(无脑儿) 2) too little (oligohydramnios) <500 ml Abnormal urinary system - poor development of kidney(肾脏发育不全) - urethra atresia(尿道闭锁)

10 Yolk sac and Allantois Yolk sac(卵黄囊) Allantois(尿囊) Primitive Gut
3rd week, Germ Cells 3rd to 6th week, Blood island Allantois(尿囊) Caudal extension of hindgut Allantoic A pairs Allantoic V pairs Umbilical vessels 2A+1V

11 Umbilical Cord(脐带) Folding – a purse string closure
Amnion membrane covered Cord: mucous CT, 3 vessels,yolk sac ,allantois 50-60 cm, 2cm diameter Long (>80cm)– knots Short (<35cm)– abruption

12 Placenta(胎盘) - Overview
Functions as: Lungs, GI tract, Liver, Kidneys, Endocrine Placenta proper: Chorion frondosum(丛密绒毛膜)+ Decidua basalis(底蜕膜)

13 Anatomy of the Placenta
Fetal – Chorion Chorion Frondosum Chorion Laeva Maternal – Decidua Decidua Basalis(底) Decidua Capsularis(包) Decidua Parietalis(壁)

14 Anatomy of the Placenta
At birth 500 g 15-25 cm Diameter 3 cm thick Anchoring villi(固定绒毛) Placental septa  Cotelydons(胎盘小叶)

15 Placental-Fetal Circulation
Fetus: umbilical A carries O2/nutrient depleted blood to cap. of chorion , exchange with maternal blood of the intervillous spaceumbilical V Mother: spiral A intervillous space uterine V

16 Placental Barrier(胎盘屏障)
--the structure between fetal and maternal blood --components: 1)Endothelium /basement membrane of chorion capillary 2) CT in the core of the villus 3) trophoblast epithelium /basement membrane

17 Placental Function 1.Exchange of Metabolites: nutrients antibody, waste 2.Defense barrier 3.hormone production human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (绒毛膜促性腺激素) Begin: end of 2nd week Highest: 2nd month Estrogen and progesterone(雌激素和孕激素) Placental lactogen(胎盘催乳素)

18 Twins Two types: One zygote (monozygotic)
Two (or more) zygotes (dizygotic) 2 (or more) oocytes Non Identical

19 Twins - Monozygotic Zygote split 2-4 cell Blastocyst
2 amn, 2 chorion Blastocyst 2 amn, 1 chorion Bilaminar germ disc 1 amn, 1 chorion Incomplete splitting Conjoined twins

20 Conjoined Twins

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