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Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 14th, 2019

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1 Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 14th, 2019
*Good Things* Opening Warm-up: Please complete the Lesson 22 Preview with your partner. Work Session: Make-ups & Recoveries for Unit 4 – Europe & Russia Test Begin Partner Lesson 22 – Nigeria: A Country of Many Cultures 22.1 – Introduction – pg. 323 & 22.2 – The Geographic Setting – pg. 324 – whole class GeoTerms & Word Picture – individually 22.3 – Life in Northern Nigeria – pgs – begin with whole class for text mining reading strategy instructions Essential Question(s): How can dividing a diverse country into regions make it easier to understand? SSWG 3c Closing Cool-down: What is colonialism and how did it play a role in the regional division of Nigeria? Materials you will need: Writing utensil & Geography Notebook Textbook – pgs Partner Lesson 22 – Nigeria: A Country of Many Cultures

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