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US LHC Accelerator Research Program

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1 US LHC Accelerator Research Program
BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC (Recent) Energy Deposition Simulation in Phase II Secondary Collimators April 26, 2006 Two aspects: Accidental damage. Power in normal LHC operation. L. Keller

2 SLAC Damage Test Beam entering a few mm from the edge of a 30 cm long copper block The length and depth of this melted region is comparable to the ANSYS simulation for the LHC accident. 30 cm 500 kW beam 0.65 MJ in 1.3 sec Beam diameter ~ 2000 µ It took about 1.3 sec to melt thru the 30 cm block, but for this relatively large beam, the front two radiation lengths remain intact.

3 Tevatron Accident – 2003 Beam Lost on Stainless Steel Collimator
Energy deposition ~0.5 MJ groove is 25 cm long, 1.5 mm deep

4 secondary collimator - causing it to melt within a substantial volume.
LHC : A kicker failure can deposit 9 x 1011 protons (8 bunches) on any metallic secondary collimator - causing it to melt within a substantial volume. Missteered beam 9E11protons, 1 MJ on secondary Jaw Copper Jaw 120 cm melting 25-30 cm 3D ANSYS model, E. Doyle above Cu melting

5 Cross Section at Shower Maximum Showing Copper Melting and Possible Fracture Regions in a Mis-steering Accident 3D ANSYS model, E. Doyle Copper Jaw Fracture zone, radius = 7 mm 2.5 cm Melting zone (grey), radius = 3.3 mm

6 Cross Section at Shower Maximum Showing Copper Boiling
in a Mis-steering Accident 3D ANSYS model, E. Doyle Copper Jaw 2.5 cm Boiling zone (grey), radius = 2.2 mm

7 Phase II Energy Depostion Simulations
A. Before Jan. ‘06 had only simulated energy deposition in the primary collimators and the first secondary collimator where about 80% of the collimated energy is deposited. B. Decided to construct a simple FLUKA model of IR7 to make particular checks of the CERN sophisticated, comprehensive model. The “simple” model includes: cm carbon primary collimators secondary collimators, jaws only a) Phase 1, 120 cm rectangular carbon jaws b) Phase 2, 95 cm cylindrical copper jaws 4 tungsten absorbers, jaws only 24 warm quadrupoles, 2 SC quadrupoles 4 warm dipoles 6. All copper beam pipes

8 Simple FLUKA Model of IR7
dipoles dipoles quadrupoles 3 carbon primary collimators beam 2 MQTLH beam 1 11 rotating-jaw, copper secondary collimators, 4 absorbers 200 400 meters

9 Cross section of 2-jaw rotating-cylinder, secondary collimator, B4L7
(cut at y = 0) each cylinder 6.8 cm o.r., 4.3 cm i.r. X (cm) left jaw Z (cm) beam right jaw 95 cm

10 Phase 1 RESULTS Comparison of Energy Deposition in Carbon
Secondary Collimators for CERN and SLAC IR7 Models Notes: 1. Twelve min. lifetime, power in last seven collimators (>200 m) dominated by direct beam interactions

11 Phase 2 RESULTS Comparison of Energy Deposition in Copper
Secondary Collimators for CERN and SLAC IR7 Models Notes: 1. Twelve min. lifetime, power in last seven collimators (>200 m) dominated by direct beam interactions

12 Off-energy Protons from Primary Collimator TCPH Entering the LHC Arc
Integral = 1.7 x 10-3 / int. beam proton 12 min. lifetime => 7 x 108/sec into arc CERN quench level estimate = 7.6 x 106 p/m/sec ΔE/Eb = -16.4%

13 Next Steps for Energy Deposition
FLUKA simulations: In the Phase II configuration with all 95 cm long copper cylinders, simulate the energy absorbed by the down-beam superconducting dipole magnets – compare with ray-tracing program TURTLE. ANSYS accident simulations: a) Use quasi-static (few hundred msec) model to estimate permanent deformation. b) Use transient thermal shock analysis to estimate fracture damage. 3. A beam test to simulate the LHC accident conditions in a copper, cylindrical collimator is highly desirable.

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