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Ch 2 Measurements and Calculations 2.1 Scientific Method

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 2 Measurements and Calculations 2.1 Scientific Method"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 2 Measurements and Calculations 2.1 Scientific Method
Qualitative: looks like Qualities, descriptions, characteristics Quantitative: numeric values Measurements, counting

2 System: region of space selected to study/run experiment
Observations  hypothesis theory  law Experiments Independent variable: manipulated, “I change” Dependent variable: responding, data collected Constants: controls, keep conditions same Model: visual, verbal, mathematical Explanation of concept

3 2.2 Units of Measurement SI SI Base Units Metric system Common units
Standard measurements SI Base Units m, kg, K, mol

4 SI prefixes Scientific notation SI derived units Calculat ions

5 Conversion Factors

6 2.3 Using Scientific Measurements
Accuracy: closeness to accepted/actual value Precision: closeness of measurements to each other

7 Error in measurement Significant Figures
Skill, equipment, calculations Significant Figures Digits known with certainty and one rounded/estimate

8 Rounding Scientific notation: Solving problems: >5 add 1 <5 same
M x 10n M 1-9 and n whole # Solving problems: Analyze Plan Solve Check work

9 Directly proportional
Dividing one by other gives constant value Not all linear plots are directly proportional Line goes through (0,0) Inversely proportional Product is constant Hyperbola Like a see-saw (one goes up the other goes down)

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