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The Costs of Raising a Child

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1 The Costs of Raising a Child
Carolyn Washburn, MS Utah State University Extension


3 Your half million child…..?
Children are priceless, but raising them is probably the most expensive thing you'll ever do. Here are some breakdowns on where the expenses may be.

4 Raising Costs of a Newborn
The costs in the child's first year continue to add up. The amounts spent vary depending on whether one looks at a single parent, or two parent home, whether there is more than one child in the home, and what the income range of the family is.

5 In the first year alone, you can easily spend between $4,000-$6,000 for diapers, formula, baby furniture, clothing, baby gear, etc. If you go back to work right away, childcare can cost as much as $3,000-$4,500 in your baby’s first year.

6 Diapers If you plan to use disposable diapers, plan on spending between $2,000-$3,300 by the time your baby is potty-trained. Expect your baby to go through at least 7-8 diapers a day on average and spending $80-$130 a month on diapers alone (especially in the first few months, when changes are more frequent.) Cloth diapering can be just as expensive as disposables if you use a diaper service. If you launder them yourself, you can save money. It is estimated that cloth diapering costs approximately $800-$1,100 by the time your baby is potty-trained (without the diaper service.)

7 Baby Bottles Formula (up until your baby is one-year-old), will most likely cost between $1,000-$2,300. Plan to spend at least $40 a week on infant formula. You can cut your costs dramatically by breastfeeding for a year or more.

8 Baby Arrival Don’t forget about the delivery! It easily costs between $8,000-$12,000 for a normal delivery, up to $15,000 for a cesarean delivery, and much more if there are complications. If you are covered by insurance, it may cover most of the cost.

9 New Baby “Stuff” Baby Furniture/Bedding $400 Stroller $100
Car Seat $100 High Chair $75 Diaper Bag $50 Baby Monitors $50

10 The 2005 U.S. federal government
statistics show the amount spent on a child in the first year varies from $7,300 to $15,190. These amounts break down as follows:

11 Costs for 1 year of child’s life
Housing $2770-$5960 Food $1000-$1590 Transportation $880-$1830 Clothing $350-$540 Healthcare $550-$830 Childcare/education $1080-$2690 Miscellaneous $670-$1750

12 Housing This is the biggest single expense of raising children, comprising anywhere from 33% to 37% of the overall annual expense. Plan on a minimum of $200 a month per child. Each child takes an additional 100 square feet of housing space.

13 Food $940-$1500 2004 USDA Monthly Food Plans Family of 4:
Thrifty – Liberal $ $804.70 $4.00-$8.00 per day per family person

14 Childcare/Education $840-$5100
Day care: $330 + a month Public/Private Education Educational Toys and Books Educational Lessons (piano, sports) Piano $50 a month x 12=$600 Sports Camp $1,000

15 Transportation $800-$1670 These costs are about 13% of your budget:
Car Gasoline Insurance Stroller -$50-$ Car Seat $100-$200 Trike $50-$ Bike $100-$200

16 Clothing $420-$640 7% of your budget or about $44 a month
Relatives become a main clothing provider This cost has decreased over last 5 years

17 Healthcare $550-$830 Doctor Dental Illness Accidents Disability

18 Miscellaneous $700-$1700 Plan on about $50 a month of
Unexpected costs. Toys/Books/Computers Sports Equipment Personal care items/Hair care Entertainment

19 Over the child's first 17 years of
age, the cost is currently estimated to add up to $139,000-$279,000. However by the time a newborn reaches age 17 in the year 2022, this total is estimated with inflation to add up to $183,000-$366,000.

20 College Costs Public university tuition/fees $3,754 a year
If the child goes to college, the costs continue to mount. Currently the costs are estimated to range from $4,000 to $80,000 over four years. Public university tuition/fees $3,754 a year Private university tuition/fees $15,894 a year Public university rood/board $4,033 a year Private university room/board $6,224 a year

21 The total of all these costs by the time a child graduates from college add up to...A lot!
That's why any expecting parents should begin budgeting and saving today!

22 But $200,000 isn't so bad if you break it down
But $200,000 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into $16,222 a year, $1,352 a month, or $ a week. That's a mere $ a day! Just a little over $2 dollars an hour. You even get to choose the name of your child!

23 Factors Affecting Costs
Two Parent Family Single Parent Family Divorce

24 Parenting Cost Difference
The cost of raising a child in a single parent home are higher. Reasons: 2 homes added transportation/ additional child care for working parent.

25 Additional Cost Factors
Number of siblings Urban/Rural family Health care Income bracket (low/middle/upper) -upper income families will spend 2 x the amount that a low income family will spend per child.

26 Plan for future costs Prepare for family emergencies Purchase adequate insurance Avoid divorce

27 Ultimately, of course, nobody decides for or against having a baby based purely on dollars and cents. But monetary issues do play a role.

28 One mother puts it this way: “It’s not that I want to spoil my kids with possessions. But I want to be able to give them some of the things that make life enjoyable for them, like going to camp, and having birthday parties.”


30 What do you get for $250,000? Naming rights. First, Middle and Last.
Glimpses of God every day. Giggles under the covers every night.

31 More love than your heart can hold.
Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs. Endless wonders over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies. A hand to hold, often sticky with jelly, or peanut butter.

32 A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites, building sandcastles, and skipping down the sidewalk in the pouring down rain. Someone to laugh yourself silly with no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.

33 For $160,140, you NEVER have to grow up.
You get to finger-paint, carve pumpkins, play hide-and-seek, catch lightning bugs, and never stop believing in Santa Claus. You have an excuse to keep reading the adventures of Piglet and Pooh, watching Saturday morning cartoons, going to Disney movies and wishing on stars.

34 Ground them forever and love them without limits,
You get to frame rainbows, hearts and flowers under refrigerator magnets, Patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, Ground them forever and love them without limits, So one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost.

35 So, given all you get for your investment, the bottom line is:
Raising kids today is the smartest and most rewarding investment you will ever make and the dividends never stop coming.

36 There's no way to put a price tag on:
Having someone cry, "it’s a boy!" or shout, "It’s a girl!" then hear the baby cry and know that it is healthy. Counting all 10 fingers and toes for the first time. Feeling the warmth of fat cheeks against your breast. Cupping an entire head in the palm of your hand. Making out da-da or ma-ma from all the cooing and gurgling.

37 Children are Priceless
Planning and awareness are critical for well adjusted healthy children.

38 Lesson Plan Ideas Monthly child costs Parent Responsibilities
Financial Responsibilities Teen Parenting Role of Father in Child Raising 76% of Teen births to unmarried mothers. Teen fathers pay less than $800 a month to child. Facts on Teen Pregnancy 50% of teen mothers have another baby within 2 years. 41% of teen mothers finish high school. 50% of teen mother begin receiving welfare. 42 per 1000 births to a teen mother – decreased over last 5 years. Monthly child costs

39 Class Activities Needs and Wants Baby Gear Baby Bingo Memory Game
The Price is Right Baby Pacifier

40 References Bauer, J.W. &Rettig, K.D. University of Minnesota, The costs of Raising a Child 2002, 2006. Lino,Mark. Expenditures on Children by Families, 2005, US Department of Agriculture, Center for Nutritional Policy and Promotion, Misc Publications , 2006. Maynard, R.A. (1996). Kids having kids: A Robin Hood Foundation special report on the costs of adolescent childbearing. New York, Robin Hood Foundation. ConsumerReports_org - The cost of raising a baby 6-05.mht

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