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CSWE CONNECT SESSION: Accreditation of Practice Doctoral Programs in Social Work Update & Feedback Sessions Dr. Debra McPhee, Chair, Commission on Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "CSWE CONNECT SESSION: Accreditation of Practice Doctoral Programs in Social Work Update & Feedback Sessions Dr. Debra McPhee, Chair, Commission on Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSWE CONNECT SESSION: Accreditation of Practice Doctoral Programs in Social Work Update & Feedback Sessions Dr. Debra McPhee, Chair, Commission on Educational Policy Dr. Andy Safyer, Chair, Commission on Accreditation Dr. Jo Ann Regan, CSWE Vice President of Education Dr. Stacey Borasky, CSWE Director of Accreditation

Agenda Background and Context CSWE Board Decision Practice Doctorate Committee Activities Draft 1 of Accreditation Standards for Practice Doctoral Programs Core Expertise & Skills Mission and Goals Explicit Curriculum Implicit Curriculum Assessment ASK QUESTIONS AND HEAR YOUR FEEDBACK!

3 Practice Doctorate Committee Members
COEP Representatives Dr. Debra McPhee, Dean, Fordham University, COEP Chair Dr. Robert Kersting, Social Work Department Chair, Westfield State University Dr. Christopher Mitchell, University of Illinois at Chicago Dr. Larry Ortiz, Professor and Director, PhD Program in Social Policy and Social Research, Loma Linda University COA Representatives Dr. Andy Safyer, Dean, Adelphi University, COA Chair Dr. Beverly Black, Professor and former PhD Program Director, University of Texas at Arlington Dr. Tom Gregoire, Dean, The Ohio State University CSWE Staff: Dr. Jo Ann Regan, CSWE Vice President of Education, COEP Staff Liaison Dr. Stacey Borasky, CSWE Director of Social Work Accreditation, COA Staff Liaison

4 Practice Doctorate Committee Members
DSW Program Directors/Representatives Brian Christenson, Capella University Michael C. LaSala, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey Debora S. Rice, Walden University David A. Patterson, The University of Tennessee Bill Rowe, Southern Connecticut University Sharon Lyter, Kutztown University

5 INFORMATION went out last week to all CSWE program and individual members about how to submit written feedback on Draft 1 of the standards See Practice-Doctorate-Program Framework document and Draft 1 of Standards Timeline-2 year process of feedback and comment on standards and process Fall 2019-CSWE’s COA begins to accept applications for pilot reviews

6 PROCESS A practice doctorate committee of both commissions and current DSW program directors have been actively working to conceptualize and create accreditation standards that will ensure that practice doctoral programs can differ in their goals, curricula, and competencies of their graduates. The COEP, COA and practice doctorate committee are committed to developing an appropriate structure and process that will be transparent, inclusive, and responsive to CSWE members and other stakeholders’ feedback.

7 Background and Context
In March 2016, the CSWE Board of Directors voted for COEP and COA to move forward with developing a process for the accreditation of practice doctoral programs in social work following a careful analysis of the recommendations from a number of groups and activities since 2010 that examined the role of the advanced practice doctorate in social work and its implications for the social work profession.

8 Rationale for Accreditation
Accreditation of practice doctoral programs for the protection and enhancement of the preparation of social work practitioners in specialized social work practice. This aligns us with the accreditation processes of other professions

9 Core Expertise & Skills
Practice doctoral programs, regardless of focus, should prepare doctoral practitioners to: engage in systematic inquiry that adheres to scholarly conventions; use and critically evaluate advanced-level evidence-based practice; develop and disseminate practice-relevant knowledge through a variety of channels, such as teaching, scholarship, professional presentations, mentoring, and administration; demonstrate leadership in social work practice and education; and develop and maintain substantive expertise in one or more areas of social work practice.

10 Mission & Goals Proposed Accreditation Standards for 1.0:
AS 1.0.1: The program submits its mission statement that includes the program focus and explains how it is consistent with the profession’s purpose and values. AS : The program explains how its mission is consistent with the institutional mission and the program’s context. AS 1.0.3: The program identifies its program goals and how they are derived from the program’s mission. The program explains how program goals are consistent with the core expertise and skills for doctoral practitioners.

11 EXPLICIT CURRICULUM Committee decided not to prescribe competencies given that current practice doctoral programs in social work are differ in their goals, curricula, and competencies of their graduates. The program instead must demonstrates how its curriculum content implements the core expertise and skills for doctoral practitioners.

12 EXPLICIT CURRICULUM Proposed Accreditation Standards for 2.0
 AS 2.0.1: The program identifies its curriculum content and academic product(s) required for the program and provides a rationale for the logical structure, timeframe, and progression of the curriculum. AS 2.0.2: The program explains how its curriculum is consistent with the program's mission and goals. AS 2.0.3: The program explains how the program focus for the curriculum prepares students for substantive expertise in an area or areas of social work practice. AS 2.0.4: The program explains how its curriculum prepares students to be doctoral leaders in an area or areas of social work practice. AS 2.0.5: The program demonstrates how its curriculum content implements the core expertise and skills for doctoral practitioners.

13 IMPLICIT CURRICULUM The implicit curriculum refers to the learning environment in which the explicit curriculum is presented and includes areas such as: the program’s commitment to diversity admissions policies and procedures advisement and mentoring policies student participation in governance faculty administrative structure resources

AS 3.0.2: The program identifies the criteria it uses for admission to the social work program. The criteria for admission to the program must include an earned master’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program and at least two-year’s post-master’s experience. AS 3.0.8: The program identifies each full- and part-time social work faculty member and discusses his or her qualifications, competence, expertise in social work education and practice, and years of service to the program. The program will document that all faculty members who teach in the program have doctoral degrees and the majority have master’s degrees in social work from a CSWE-accredited program. AS 3.0.9: The program describes the practice doctoral program director’s leadership ability through teaching, scholarship, curriculum development, administrative experience, and other academic and professional activities in social work. The program documents that the program director has a doctoral degree, preferably in social work, and a master’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program.

15 ASSESSMENT Proposed Accreditation Standards for 4.0 AS 4.0.1: The program presents its plan and rationale for the assessment of the core expertise and skills of its graduates. At a minimum, the plan should include procedures related to when, where, and how each core expertise and skill is assessed, including assessment measures; and a description of how the program uses this data for continuous quality improvement.  AS 4.0.2: The program provides data on retention and graduation rates, time to completion of degree, and job placement rates and demonstrates how this data is used for continuous quality program improvement.

16 FEEDBACK PROCESS The intent of the practice doctorate committee is to solicit feedback from as many constituents as possible in as many ways as possible.   CSWE invites and encourages all individual and program members and interested organizations/groups to provide feedback on the draft standards proposed for the accreditation of practice doctoral programs.  Feedback can be submitted as a group or individually in one or more of the following ways: Submit feedback online as an individual and/or program member of CSWE group or organization online by December 31, Submit a feedback letter directly to CSWE at Office of Educational Initiatives and Research, Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA or by December 31, Participate in an online feedback session on December 5, 2018.  More information to follow.

17 THANK YOU!!!! If you have any questions about the feedback process or experience any technical problems with the online feedback system, please contact the CSWE Department of Education Initiatives and Research at

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