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1. English Literature Paper 1 - Wednesday 15th May - Afternoon

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Presentation on theme: "1. English Literature Paper 1 - Wednesday 15th May - Afternoon"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. English Literature Paper 1 - Wednesday 15th May - Afternoon
2. English Literature Paper 2 – Thursday 23rd May - Morning 3. English Language Paper 1 - Tuesday 4th June - Morning 4. Language Paper 2 - Friday 7th June - Morning

2 English Revision Where can I get help?


4 You will click here and use your login details
to enter the site. Each of you have been given a log-in to stick into your planners. You can use this to log on to the PIXL area and access hundreds of tools

5 Click here to enter the Key Words section of the site

6 This is a fantastic resource for helping you to understand
Those tricky words in exams that may confuse you.

7 As you go onto our main school website,
click onto the LINKS section and in the drop down you will then click onto MOODLE

8 Click on this button. It has a picture of books on it – English.

9 You will see both KS4 English and
KS3 English – You need to go into KS4!

10 You will see a number of different sections – you need to focus on the area that your PLC has identified as a problem. 1.Choose your paper We have just completed Language Paper 2 for our exam – so lets start there.

11 Each heading will tell you what the resources are about and which question they focus on.
Some of the resources have power points just like a lesson – except its 1:1 just for you.

12 REMEMBER! In each English class there are printed revision resources on our REVISION HUB TABLES. We are here to help…you just need to ask.

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