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Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist

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1 Peanut Agent Training - 2008
Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia

2 Topic For Discussion Resistance Update Modes of Action Info
Aim – Harvest Aid label Palmer Amaranth Provost Issues 2,4-DB Issues Classic Update 15 locations 6 varieties

3 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey Results
61 peanut fields in 21 counties All populations had some level of resistance to Cadre. Populations were also cross-resistant to Staple and Classic. None were resistant to glyphosate

4 GA Confirmed Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Sites
2005 2006 Current Testing 2007 May 8, 2007

5 Herbicide Modes of Action Info
New Table in 2008 Pest Control Handbook MOA’s listed in crop sections

6 Harvest Aid Label September 2007 1-2 oz/A NIS or COC 7 day PHI
Morningglory Pigweed Spiderwort

7 Managing Palmer Amaranth
Know the enemy Lots of seed Grows 1-2”/day Very competitive Resistant or not?? ALS or GR Residual herbicide Activation irrigation or incorporation Timely POST’s Avoid overusing PPO’s

8 Palmer Amaranth Control in Peanuts Macon County, GA – 2007 (38 DAT)
NTC Valor SX 3 oz/A

9 Palmer Amaranth Control in Peanuts Macon County, GA – 2007 (38 DAT)
NTC Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 1 pt/A

10 Strongarm + Valor (PRE) fb
PE (13 days after POST, 42 DAP) NTC Strongarm + Valor (PRE) fb Cobra (POST ALS-susceptible population

11 Residual Herbicides Must Be Activated!!!!!!
Rainfall Irrigation Herbicide incorporation Conventional tillage Dryland fields No chance of rain will help but not a guarantee 2X, angle Some herbicides should not be incorporated Valor

12 This is what a 2” pigweed looks like!!!!


14 Provost (10.7 oz/A) + Fulbor + Penatrator Plus + 2,4-DB
Richard McDaniel, 2007

15 Peanut Phytotoxicity and Provost (# trials)
Source: Herb Young Bayer CropScience 11/20/07

16 Probable Provost Label Changes
No surfactants No tank-mixes with 2,4-DB No tank-mixes with EC pyrethroids Others??



19 Contaminated Lots Contamination if exceeds 250 ppm Tested Lots
FB-01 = 2,4-D acid (0.294%) EC-16 = dicamba (0.17%) + 2,4-D acid (0.11%) EC-16 = Dicamba (0.198%) + 2,4-D acid (0.104%) EL-31 = ppm 2,4-D (3 samples) CE-04 = 56 ppm of 2,4-D

20 What will 2,4-D and dicamba do to peanuts????
Research in GA conducted over the past few years would suggest that 2 oz/A of 2,4-D would not cause many problems. If contaminated product was applied at 24 oz/A then 2,4-D rate would only be oz/A.

21 Why is this important? Peanut response to dicamba
Dicamba resistant crops are in the pipeline More contamination/drift problems are likely


23 The Influence of Classic on the Incidence of TSWV (2000-2007)
* * * 0.5 oz/A % v/v Averaged over 6 varieties and 15 locations *Significantly different from NTC (P = 0.05.)

24 The Influence of Classic on Peanut Yield (2000-2007)
0.5 oz/A % v/v Averaged over 6 varieties and 15 locations P =


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