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Funds Flow Report Training Session 1

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1 Funds Flow Report Training Session 1
Bondurant G-030 April 24, 2018

2 Navigation Infoporte > Home > School Reports > Funds Flow > Funds Flow 2018 Report

3 FF Summary by Department Department Level Clinical Impact + UME + GME
Dept Level Clinical Impact MD revenue Benefits Overhead Reimbursement - Clinic & Rent (70%) - Drug expense (100%) Technical allocation if applicable Contract tax UME State funds MD teaching GME Residents First Year Sub-specialty residents Program Directors Program Coordinators

4 Department Level Clinical Impact

5 Paying for Clinical Work
3 year rolling average of MGMA median salary/ 3 year rolling average of MGMA median wRVUs (or ASA Units for Anesthesiology) If the “N” value is less than 45 in the MGMA survey then the $$ per wRVU moves from sub-specialty to specialty Reimbursement rate for Children’s services across all departments will be boosted 25% Denials that result in a write-off receive 50% credit Self-pay wRVUs that have payments that are less than 25% of the charge receive a 50% credit wRVU data is run by post date MD Clinical Faculty receive funding $$ per wRVU Adjusted for start/end dates Benefits (University and FP benefits) * cFTE Adjusted for Job FTE Overhead * Job FTE * cFTE

6 Paying for Clinical Work, cont.
Prorates are Covered Centrally Not including APPs or malpractice which will continue to be paid by the departments There are a set list of accounts to be reimbursed Clinical & Rent Expenses (70%) Full cost of drug expense is reimbursed Drug Expense (100%) Retained at central FP Full cost of providing technical services is reimbursed Technical Revenue (100%) Departments will continue to employ and receive associated revenue (including UPL) for APPs, including CRNAs, psychologists, and MSWs Prorates non-MD revenue or non-EPIC revenue will still apply at 21%, however drug expense will no longer be netted out Non-MD Revenue and Third Party Billing


8 UME Funds to Follow Teaching
For MD teaching, the Undergraduate Education Committee report is used to allocate funding at a department level Direct state line item budget, and joint funding contracts with other schools are excluded Centers are excluded. This will be reassessed when the University updates its funding model. 75% of State Funds will be allocated based on teaching effort as specified by 12 Cell Matrix data BBSP support will be funded centrally The Genetic Medicine tax is eliminated Remaining 25% is allocated to the Dean’s Office for strategic investment in research and education The state budget will no longer support permanent 1% position funding. They will not be part of the model going forward.

9 State’s 12-Cell Matrix NEW 2016 - 2017 Type of Teaching 12 Cell Weight
Credit Hours Weighted Hours Undergrad 1.74 5,408 9,410 Masters 3.81 6,010 22,898 Doctoral/PhD 6.45 9,760 62,952 MD 32,448 209,290 53,626 304,550

10 MD Allocation Based on the Educational Committee Report
Percent effort in Translational Education at Carolina (TEC) teaching by SOM department months 9 5 12 14 Weighting of "Years" based on months 22.5% 12.5% 30.0% 35.0% MD Teaching Allocation for UME Model Department 1st Year Med Student Ed 2nd Year Med Student Ed 3rd Year Med Student Ed 4th Year Med Student Ed Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Correction for % Issue Y3 & Y4 Total MD Alloc Biochemistry 5.00% 1.20% $173,591 $96,439 $55,549 $64,807 -$3,732 $386,655 3% Cell Biology and Physiology 15.00% $520,773 $289,318 $926,715 6% Genetics Microbiology 7.50% $260,386 $144,659 $521,670 Pathology Pharmacology 0.00% $0 -$1,722 $323,857 2% Social Medicine 10.00% $347,182 $192,879 $656,685 4% Anesthesiology 1.25% 2.40% 4.80% $43,398 $24,110 $111,098 $259,229 -$11,483 $426,352 Dermatology -$9,761 $372,525 Emergency Medicine 2.50% 7.20% $86,795 $48,220 $333,295 $388,844 -$22,392 $834,761 5% Family Medicine 9.60% $444,393 $518,458 -$29,856 $1,068,010 7% Medicine 14.40% $777,687 -$37,894 $1,454,216 9% Neurology $129,615 -$14,354 $583,570 Neurosurgery -$7,464 $300,756 OBGYN -$25,837 $942,415 Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Otolaryngology (ENT) Pediatrics Physical Medicine & Rehab Psychiatry -$21,818 $816,819 Radiation Oncology Radiology -$15,502 $619,455 Surgery 3.75% $130,193 $72,330 $1,135,518 Urology 100% 103.2% $3,471,818 $1,928,788 $4,777,221 $5,573,425 -$320,950 $15,430,302

11 SOM State Funding Dean’s Office Departments 58,429,244 Asheville
29,938,054 Rural Scholars Dean’s Office Departments State  Total Perm Budget Excluded Depts UME Funding Excludes school-based tuition

12 GME

13 GME to be Supported by UNCH
Salaries and benefits for approved Core Residents and First Year Subspecialty Residents - ACGME accredited and approved residency positions - Clinical residency years only - Approved by UNC Residency Committee and SET (Senior Executive Team) Salaries and benefits for Program Directors and Coordinators for Core Residency Programs UNCH will fund: Salaries and benefits for residents at other hospitals will be paid by those hospitals or by the departments.

14 Committee Approved Guidelines for Program Directors and Coordinators
Coordinator Effort Director Effort Number of Residents Coordinator Effort Less than 10 0.50 10-19 0.75 20-39 1.00 40-49 1.25 50-60 1.50 Over 60 2.00 Number of Residents Director Effort Less than 10 0.15 10-19 0.25 20-29 0.35 30-39 0.50 40-49 0.75 50-59 1.00 60-70 1.25 Over 70 1.50

15 To Note We will hold trainings once we go live with Funds Flow in FY19. FF Budget templates will be sent out this week, and individual meetings will be setup with every department soon. We will publish a FY19 calendar before long with dates for the different committees, deadlines, submission requirements, etc.

16 Next Session – May 15! What’s coming up next: Contra Revenue accounts
Self-pay clarification Timeline with dates for committee meetings, deadlines, submission requirements, etc. What do you want to know?

17 Questions From the Meeting
When will the 2018 MGMA data be released? And will the 3-year rolling average change when the new data is released? The 2018 MGMA report will be released in May We will publish the 2018 data, but the 3-year rolling average will NOT change for FY19. We will begin to use the 2018 MGMA data in our 3-year rolling average in FY20. If a Faculty MD switches to a different home department in the middle of the FY, will the funds then flow to that new department? Yes, if a Faculty MD moves from one department to another the funds will flow to that new department in the month the Faculty moves. Please note: the change has to be entered and approved in ConnectCarolina HR before it becomes effective in Funds Flow. For example: Faculty X is in (Hematology) and moves to (Oncology) in January, the action has been completed and approved in ConnectCarolina HR, the funds will then move to in January. What is the list of prorates, and the percentages for each? NEW FF: prorates on net receipts and UPL Current: net receipts less drug cost taxed 25% Current: UPL taxed 22.3% (not shown in table) Prorate Description Current %’s NEW FF %’s Shared Services 14.5% Rent 0.5% 0.9% Enterprise 2.3% 2.5% Admin 0.4% 0.6% Dean’s Tax 4.6% Temp one Time Assessment 2.7% - Total 25% 21%

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