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GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop
Subnational Intermediate Outcomes 3&4 Strengthening the Subnational Environment GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop
Key assumptions of the GSF Theory of Change are that:
Within the target administrative areas, political leaders supported by local government institutions are willing and committed to lead the drive towards achieving the national goal related to SDG 6.2. Capacity and system building efforts will enable local authorities to lead and be actively involved in achieving and sustaining ODF status and to provide services further up the sanitation ladder.
Discussion What resources, capacities, and systems need to be in place for local authorities (and other key stakeholders) to: Sustain the achievements and results made through the programme? Replicate and/or scale up the GSF approach to achieve ODF status and move towards SDG target 6.2?
What needs to be in place?
Discussion What resources, capacities, and systems need to be in place What needs to be in place? Resources Capacities Systems For sustaining GSF programme achievements For replicating / scaling up the approach in new areas
SIO.3: Subnational political and financial commitment
Political leadership in targeted administrative areas is visibly committed to achieving and sustaining SDG 6.2, including through allocation of financial and human resources Programme interventions will focus primarily on lobbying for an increase in public sector spending and developing a road map to achieve universal ODF and or SDG target 6.2 at the subnational level.
SIO 3: Outcome Indicators
SIO 3.1: # of subnational administrations where government leaders publically commit to initiatives to realise SDG target 6.2 Political and public leaders of subnational administrations that publicly speak out and commit themselves to improving sanitation and hygiene conditions in their jurisdiction It is expected that subnational level government leaders are Playing a leading role in the public discourse; Through their communications, stressing the importance of sanitation and hygiene and the need to improve sanitation and hygiene conditions Are actively involved in initiating or supporting initiatives to realise SDG 6.2
SIO 3: Outcome Indicators
SIO 3.2: # of subnational administrations with a strategy (or roadmap) in place to achieve universal ODF and or SDG target 6.2, using collective behaviour change approaches Strategies or road maps exist that include concrete time-bound targets or mile stones to work towards universal ODF and or SDG 6.2 It is expected that: A subnational strategy or roadmap to achieve universal access to sanitation exists That it promotes the use of collective behaviour change approaches That it includes a clear vision for achieving SDG 6.2 by 2030.
SIO 3: Outcome Indicators
SIO 3.3:# of subnational administrations where the strategy (or roadmap) is properly costed (financing and human resource needs are known) Strategies or road maps include transparent budgets which specify human and financial resource requirements It is expected that the subnational strategy or roadmap: Includes clear (measurable) targets Is properly costed so that the financing and human resource needs are known Is available to all concerned sector stakeholders.
SIO 3: Outcome Indicators
SIO 3.4: # of subnational administrations where (public) resources for sanitation and hygiene interventions are increasing Actual resource allocations and resource depletion is in line with the requirements as stipulated in the strategies or road maps and these resources are increasing if so required It is expected that (public) financial allocations for sanitation and hygiene have: Increased noticeably during the past year Are in line with the funding requirements detailed in the strategy or roadmap Actual transfers that are in line with official commitments.
SIO.3 Outputs SOP.3a: Lobby and advocacy activities geared towards subnational level political and public leaders carried out
SIO.3 Output Indicators SOP.3a: Lobby and advocacy activities geared towards subnational level political and public leaders carried out SOP 3.1: # of implementing partners that conduct lobby and advocacy activities in their administrative areas focusing on government leadership and increased resource allocations The existence of a lobby and advocacy strategy focusing on policy and decision-makers and other influential actors with the right messages
SIO.3 Outputs SOP. 3b: Sub-national strategies for achieving ODF and or SDG target 6.2 have been developed and endorsed by relevant stakeholders
SIO.3 Output Indicators SOP. 3b: Sub-national strategies for achieving ODF and or SDG target 6.2 have been developed and endorsed by relevant stakeholders SOP 3.2: # of subnational administrations that are supported by implementing partners to develop a strategy (or road map) for achieving ODF and or SDG target 6.2 Strategies or road maps need to have concrete time-bound targets or mile stones and include budgets with human and financial resource requirements necessary to work towards universal ODF and or SDG 6.2
SIO.4: Subnational coordination, learning, capacity and systems
Capacity and systems exist in targeted administrative areas (public, private and civil society) to lead, plan, implement, monitor, coordinate and sustain sanitation and hygiene interventions
SIO 4: Outcome Indicators (1)
Strengthened coordination, collaboration and learning SIO 4.1: # of subnational administrations where a government-led coordinating body is in place, that convenes meetings with all key sector actors as needed, and that is used to develop and adjust plans and targets SIO 4.2: # of subnational administrations where existing bodies or platforms are used for learning among sector actors and specifically to analyse, discuss, and share monitoring results and other field- based evidence of GSF supported and other programmes SIO 4.3: # of communities with a functioning committee that supports lasting behaviour change (incl. reinforcing social norms)
SIO 4: Outcome Indicators (2)
Strengthened capacities and systems SIO 4.4: # of subnational administrations where a growing number of stakeholders are applying proven collective behaviour change approaches to sanitation and hygiene SIO 4.5 # of subnational administrations and or stakeholders with the capacity to plan, implement and monitor collective behaviour change approaches SIO 4.6: # of subnational administrations that have the capacity to provide post-ODF follow up support to communities
SIO 4: Outcome Indicators (2)
Strengthened capacities and systems (continued) SIO 4.7: # of subnational administrations where a functioning monitoring system is in place and applied to measure and report progress on sanitation and hygiene targets SIO 4.8: # of subnational administrations where sanitation and hygiene related monitoring data includes information on inclusion and equity of potentially disadvantaged groups, including women and girls and those in vulnerable situations SIO 4.9: # of subnational administrations that have developed and or apply a nationally recognised ODF verification system
SIO 4: Outcome Indicators (3)
Strengthened capacities and systems (continued) SIO 4.10: # of communities with support systems in place to support the most vulnerable households to access and use sanitation and hygiene facilities and services SIO 4.11: # of natural leaders that are delivering ODF communities outside their own communities
SIO.4 Outputs SOP. 4: Subnational administrations have been supported to establish and strengthen systems and capacities to steer and monitor sanitation and hygiene interventions
SIO.4 Output Indicators (1)
SOP. 4: Subnational administrations have been supported to establish and strengthen systems and capacities to steer and monitor sanitation and hygiene interventions SOP 4.1: # of subnational administrations supported by implementing partners to initiate and convene multi-stakeholder coordination meetings SOP 4.2: # of implementing partners initiating and organising learning events to review programmes and progress towards targets as well as the effectiveness of the different delivery approaches
SIO.4 Output Indicators (2)
SOP. 4: Subnational administrations have been supported to establish and strengthen systems and capacities to steer and monitor sanitation and hygiene interventions SOP 4.3: # of subnational actors trained and supported by implementing partners to implement and sustain sanitation and hygiene interventions SOP 4.4: # of implementing partners supporting subnational administrations to develop and or apply a service level monitoring system
SIO.4 Output Indicators (3)
SOP. 4: Subnational administrations have been supported to establish and strengthen systems and capacities to steer and monitor sanitation and hygiene interventions SOP 4.5: # of implementing partners that have trained subnational administrations on integrating EQND into each stage of implementation SOP 4.6: # of implementing partners supporting subnational administrations to develop and or apply an ODF verification system
SIO.4 Output Indicators (4)
SOP. 4: Subnational administrations have been supported to establish and strengthen systems and capacities to steer and monitor sanitation and hygiene interventions SOP 4.7: # of implementing partners supporting communities to establish and or facilitate effective support systems for the most vulnerable SOP 4.8: # of natural leaders engaged in GSF supported programmes (M/F)
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