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Examples of Dialect in OMAM:

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1 Examples of Dialect in OMAM:
Objective: Understand how Steinbeck’s word choices affect characterization & setting in chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men. Let’s review characterization. Characterization is: _________________________________. The 2 types of characterization are: ____________________. Steinbeck uses mainly indirect characterization in Ch. 1. Directions: 1. Open OMAM to p. 2 and begin reading with “They had walked…” 2. Answer with your team & be prepared to share out academically: To understand it, read it the way it sounds. In Of Mice and Men, the characters speak with a distinct dialect. Dialect is a way of speaking that reflects a region or time period. all the traits that create a character direct & indirect Examples of Dialect in OMAM: * “I was gon’ do it!” * “If you don’ want me I can go off in the hills an’ find a cave.” * “When we get the coupla acres I can let you tend the rabbits all right.” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What are George and Lennie doing in this chapter? What does it mean to “live off the fatta the land”? What happened in Weed? What does Lennie have in his pocket? Why does George get angry at Lennie? What’s the relationship between Lennie and Aunt Clara? If Lennie wasn’t around, what would George be doing? How does George feel about Lennie?

2 Objective: Understand how Steinbeck’s word choices affect characterization & setting in chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men. Directions: 1. Continue reading ch Complete your STEAL characterization sheet as indicated. 3. Complete the back. 4. Turn in. 5. Complete your Found Poem from last week & turn it in. 6. Complete your Achieve for this week, Hard Times OR Getting by on Lean Times if you didn’t do last week’s article. Of Mice and Men Steinbeck 1 George Lennie Special Announcement at the end of class!

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