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A quick introduction: India

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1 A quick introduction: India
As we have already seen in your previous work, India is one of the world’s oldest civilizations Traditions and cultures have sustained its peoples through many invasions and foreign occupations Religion: Both Hinduism and Buddhism were founded (begun) in India Buddhism has almost disappeared in recent times India has had a long history rooted in various traditions and in its geography and climate And this is where we will begin today…

2 The Landscape of India (P. 340)
Modern nation of India occupies what is known as the Indian subcontinent The subcontinent also includes Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan Off of the southern tip of India is the island nation of Sri Lanka Northern India is home to some of the highest mountain ranges in the world, including the Himalayas These mountains divide the continent of Asia from the subcontinent.

3 The Mountains are India’s safety net
The mountain barriers surrounding India has made invasion from outside of its borders difficult The sea also presents a level of security as there is no natural sea ports to invade from Mt. Everest (29, 029 km above sea level)

4 The Mountains aren’t alone in geographical significance…
The Indus and the Ganges River form what is known as the Indo-Gangetic Plain This forms the subcontinent’s richest agricultural area Coincidently this is the most populated area of India… The Coastal plains, on both sides of the Eastern and Western Ghats, are also fertile lands This is due to the heavy precipitation from the seasonal rains known as monsoons…

5 The Climate of India The climate of India is both tropical and subtropical Most of India does not have a Winter or Summer as Canada does Season change comes as a result of the monsoons These are winds that flow on, or off of the continent bringing in moist or dry air The monsoons in India occur on a very regular basis, that being the same time each year Temperature shifts (climate) result from large differences in temperature among land, sea, and air, Summer = heavy rains & high temperature Winter = low rain & cool temperatures

6 Crop your Monsoon Map as so…
1.5cm 2.5cm 2.5cm 1.5cm

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