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eContentplus 2008 Work Programme
Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics March 3, 2008 Krister Olson
Reminder: aim and characteristics of the eContentplus programme
Overall aim “to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable, facilitating the creation and diffusion of information, in areas of public interest, at Community level”. Enabling role Help content stakeholders (providers and users) realise the full potential of digital content in areas with a public interest where market forces are not prevalent or sufficient enough to stimulate the availability of digital content and services … by creating better conditions for accessing, using and exploiting digital material ... based on which it will be possible to build added-value products and services across Europe eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
non-research What is funded? Projects that:
aim at improving the usability and quality of existing digital content in specific contexts of use in order to create the conditions for the emergence of quality trans-European content based services. use proven state-of-the-art technical solutions, are geared towards innovation in organisation and in deployment (as opposed to purely technological innovation). non-research eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
eContentplus Work Programme 3rd call for Proposals 2007
Evaluation & results for Geographic Information Lower number of proposals received Higher quality High response from National Mapping Agencies Main themes of INSPIRE covered - 4 BPN retained for negotiations eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Geographic Information
Situation and conclusions after 3 calls From 1st call three Targeted Projects running From 2nd call two Targeted Projects and one Thematic Network running Good private public co-operation Good involvement of major stakeholders; good European coverage 8 of 9 themes of Annex I covered; ”Geographical Grid Systems” missing Only 1 of 4 themes of Annex II covered (”Geology”) Continued support of implementation of PSI directive (facilitating the re-use of public sector information) Continue to concentrate on themes covered by the INSPIRE directive (harmonising geographic information at European level) eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
eContentplus 2008 Work Programme
Based on the draft eContentplus Work Programme for 2008
Target area Geographic information
Scope Any data with a direct reference to a specific location or geographic area INSPIRE definitions; themes of annex I-III Actions Best practice networks (3.1) eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
One project type only: Best practice network
What is it? Project combining the consensus building and awareness raising function of a thematic network with the implementation of the solutions discussed in real-life context. Aim Promote the adoption of standards and specifications (S&S) for making digital content in Europe more accessible and usable. eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Best practice networks action 3.1 for Geographic information
SAME AS IN 2007 Objective Interoperability and harmonization of spatial data sets and services Spatial info at local and/or regional level difficult to exploit in a broader context as description of data incomplete Fragmentation if datasets and sources Gaps in availability Diverse collection and preservation practices Reduce barriers related to one or more of the specific themes in annexes I-III of INSPIRE (Only one network by theme will be selected) Expected results Spatial data aggregated to cover a significant part of Europe and accessible in a seamless way across borders in multiple languages Consensus built on strategy for interoperability A sustainable network of stakeholders should be established. eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Best practice network Each BPN:
identifies possible solutions for an issue related to the objective of the target area tries out one or more of the solutions; draws conclusions on their validity; adapts its approach if necessary. The Commission organises “clustering meetings“ as appropriate The final output of the BPNs should reflect the results of the large scale implementations and the results and recommendations of the clustering activities. eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Best Practice Network example
A BPN discusses 2 ways of implementing a specific standard Solution 1 Standard implemented by the BPN members Validation and take up of common standard Solution 2 So it is a problem-oriented approach, combining consensus building, awareness raising and implementation Tackling issues with cross-border relevance (European dimension) Inclusion of content providers Proof of quality and quantity of content provided within the project To get impact, target users and their needs should be identified Dissemination plan at incept; strong network capacity Consensus building Create critical mass Result in easily accessible, interoperable and reusable datasets Address multilingual aspects Recommendations to take up beyond the BPN … based on BPN evidence eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Best practice networks action 3.1 for Geographic information
Public – Private Stakeholders National Mapping Agencies Cadastral Agencies / Land Registries ”Umbrella” organisations National / regional / local administration Academic institutions GI GI industry etc Public – Private Cooperation Integration Interoperation European wide → large scale projects Integration Interoperation Producers – Users in projects user need assessment eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
BPN Requirements & Award criteria 1. Relevance & European Dimension
Weighting = 2.0 Contribution towards the objectives of this action Clear description of problems and solutions; must contribute to achieving expected results of this action Requirements for European dimension = impact on a large number of users in the largest possible number of EU countries NB. Exclusion threshold (6/10) AVOID EARLY ELIMINATION!! Sufficient information should be provided in sections 1-3 of the description of work eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
BPN requirements & Award criteria 2. Impact, Content & Networking
Weighting = 4.0 Critical mass of content to draw valid conclusions. Target users /needs beyond the consortium participants (analysis of demand). Added value of approach proposed vs. existing or earlier attempts Indicators to evaluate effectiveness of proposed solutions and potential acceptance by target public. Dissemination plan - optimal promotion/use of project results - contribute to the uptake of S&S across Europe Added value of approach proposed vs. existing or earlier attempts to produce S&S during the lifetime of the project eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
BPN requirements & Award criteria 2. Impact, Content & Networking
Weighting = 4.0 Content Quality and quantity of committed content clear Selection criteria for content clear No IPR issues for input content Strategy for IPR issues on project output clear (wide use and dissemination). Results accessible beyond the end of the project. Networking capacity Disseminate and promote uptake of results in Member States. Be open and proactive in attracting new members eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
BPN requirements & Award criteria 3. Quality of the technical part
Weighting = 2.0 Adequacy of methodology Adequacy of work plan Clustering capacity (adaptability, flexibility, approach….) Contribute actively to clustering activities Foresee ways of taking into account clustering results Flexible approach enabling necessary adaptation eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
BPN requirements & Award criteria 4. Resources & Management
Weighting = 2.0 Adequacy in terms of relevance, competence, complementarities etc. Adequacy in terms of management, decision making structures, communication, cooperation etc. Adequacy in allocation of resources (personnel, equipment, financial etc. Consortium must include content providers (quality & quantity) Should include users (feedback on result of the implementation) Should include standardisation bodies and/or relevant European and international bodies. eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Proposal preparation Download all documentation!
Read documentation very well! Make sure that proposal fully addresses the points described under the award criteria in the current call eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Geographic Information Community Funding
Indicative total funding: M € Project type Community contribution Typical duration (in months) Number of Countries (impact) Funding Best Practice Networks 80% of direct costs * 18-24 (up to 36) 14-27 4-6 M€ * Personnel costs: personnel working for the project Travel & subsistence costs according to usual rules of applicant Subcontracting: identified; bid offering best value for money Other specific costs eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Timetable March 2008 Adoption and publication of Work Programme/call
12 June 2008 Call closure June/July 2008 Evaluation January 2009 Opening of negotiations eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
Call documentation & Help!
eContentplus helpdesk Call documentation & pre-proposal service; forms available on the web site National Contact Points (list on web site) eContentplus 2008 work programme (draft version)
eContentplus 2008 work programme Geographic Information Questions?
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