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Pay a Supplier Invoice Main Points when paying a supplier invoice:

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Presentation on theme: "Pay a Supplier Invoice Main Points when paying a supplier invoice:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pay a Supplier Invoice Main Points when paying a supplier invoice:
Prompted by Accounts team The accounts team ALREADY has checked the invoice matches our PO The accounts team also already has posted the invoice to TSM Therefore the invoice is ready to be paid (in theory)

2 Pay a Supplier Invoice Things to check: Does the invoice have a PO?
Does the order “make sense” Is it a part that we would order, what customer is it for Do we already have this item in stock? Is the sell price making a bit of profit?

3 Pay a Supplier Invoice Transaction reference=
SUPPLIERNAME INVOICENUMBER Pay the total including GST Create PDF of payment receipt showing BSB and Account number, to the I:\ drive to Supplier, Shirley, Brett Rename the invoice prefix PAID... Move invoice to PAID VIA EFT

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