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Major Activities for Animal Health of OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific in 2008 and Plans for 2009 Regional Workshop on WTO Agreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Activities for Animal Health of OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific in 2008 and Plans for 2009 Regional Workshop on WTO Agreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Activities for Animal Health of OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific in 2008 and Plans for 2009 Regional Workshop on WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Nadi, Fiji, 9-12 February 2009 T. Fujita OIE Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

2 Content 1. OIE Asia-Pacific at a glance
(OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific) 2. Priority areas of Animal Health for the Region 3. Major activities of OIE Asia-Pacific in 2008 and 2009

3 OIE Asia-Pacific at a glance
OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific (OIE Asia- Pacific) History 1971: OIE Regional Office in Asia, Tokyo 1990: OIE Asia-Pacific based in Tokyo, Reactivation decided by the OIE International Committee One of the 5 OIE Regional Representations in the world 28 Members in the Region; Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, P.R. China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, RO Korea, DPR Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, Vanuatu and Vietnam

4 OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific

5 Priority areas of OIE Asia-Pacific
for the Region Improvement of Animal Health (including zoonoses) in the Region Capacity building of Veterinary Services Facilitate National activities on Animal Health with International Standards Regional alliance for animal health Collaboration with other partner organizations for animal health in the Region Others in line with the above priorities

6 Major activities of OIE Asia-Pacific
Improvement of Animal health information systems and  communication Prevention and control of emerging/transboundary animal diseases Prevention and control of HPAI Standardization of registration for veterinary medicinal products Prevention and control of Aquatic animal diseases Support for WTO-SPS Agreement including risk analysis Support for control of FMD Prevention and control of BSE and other TSEs

7 by OIE Asia-Pacific (Examples in 2008 and plans for 2009)
Major Activities by OIE Asia-Pacific (Examples in 2008 and plans for 2009)

8 Capacity building, in particular for high level national officials
(Workshop for Newly assigned OIE Delegates) Training workshop for newly assigned OIE Delegates in the Region, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2008 13 countries Better understanding on OIE mandates and functions and responsibility of OIE Members The similar Workshop in 2009

9 Animal Health Information System/Communication (1)
OIE Regional Seminar on Communication (Bangkok, Thailand, October 2008) *Veterinary professionals, Communication officers, Representatives         from the private sector, mass media and others *For appropriate communication ways and sending adequate messages from Veterinary Services on animal health; including identification, prioritization and agreement on potential strategic communication intervention in the Region *The similar Seminar planned in 2009 2. OIE/NACA Regional Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health (Bangkok, Thailand, March 2008) *Training course on information systems, particularly WAHIS (access through the electronic way), inviting National Veterinary and Fisheries authorities NACA; Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific *Development of the Regional aquatic animal health information core (2009)

10 3. Animal Health information networking workshop, to exchange information and experience on Animal Health (especially HPAI) (Tokyo, Japan, November 2008)    *Information about strategies for animal health *Exchange information and experiences in animal disease control *Regional alliance for animal health *The similar meeting in 2009 (annual) *Improvement of reporting system from the field to the central level WTO-SPS *Regional Workshop on WTO-SPS, to be jointly organized by OIE and FAO in 2009

11 5. Harmonization on Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products
(1) OIE Workshop on Vaccine Quality and GLP in ASEAN countries, Bandung, Indonesia, January 2009 (2) OIE Workshop on Risk analysis for Import, Distribution and Handling of Animal Vaccines, Malaysia, November 2009 Animal Welfare Regional Meeting on Animal welfare, 2009

12 HPAI Control in the Region
Big concern of the disease in the Region: HPAI: Resurgent and continuously reported since 2003 and even in 2009, and negative economic impacts and risks to animals and human health OIE’s Support to development and improvement of Regional and National HPAI control strategies (particularly for ASEAN countries; Phase I) OIE/J(S)TF Project for the Region (1) OIE Project of HPAI control in Southeast Asia (2006- 2007; Phase I) (2) OIE/J(S)TF Project for strengthening HPAI control in Asia 1) 5 year Project for Asia ( ) 2) 2 year Project for Asia ( )

13 OIE HPAI Control Projects in Asia (1)
OIE/JTF Project for strengthening HPAI Control in Asia (5 year project under Regular fund; ) (1) Strengthening Information networking in Asia (2) Strengthening capacity of Veterinary Services (3) Surveillance of wild birds and domestic animals along migratory flyways, and strengthening Data-base at OIE Reference Laboratory 2. OIE/JSTF Project for strengthening HPAI Control in Asia ( under Supplementary Special Fund; Phase II) (1) Capacity building of HPAI diagnosis and surveillance (2) Procurement of Laboratory equipment and materials

14 OIE/JTF Project for Strengthening HPAI control in Asia
I Strengthening Information Networking in Asia To facilitate animal health information exchange and regional cooperation and alliance for disease control II Strengthening capacity of Veterinary Services For good governance of VSs, and thus early detection and rapid response for disease control II-1 Evaluation of performance of veterinary services (VSs) II-2 Training on legislation and diagnostic technologies for HPAI control III Surveillance of wild birds and domestic animals along migratory flyways To provide supportive information for awareness and effective control measures Epidemiological Information Samples -Surveillance of AI viruses, and epidemiological study related to flying routes of migratory birds Test results Database Diagnosis Monitor and characterise the virus for preparedness and effective control Capacity building for diagnosis Virus characterization ・ National laboratories ・ OIE Reference Laboratory (Hokkaido University) Collaboration ・Establishment of a database for AI accessible by OIE Members AI viruses HPAI control in Asia \\ \share\JSTF_HPAI\2008-\Inception Meeting\ _Overview

15 Activities under OIE HPAI Control Projects in Asia (2)
OIE/JTF Project for strengthening HPAI Control in Asia (5 year project; ) (1) Inception Meeting for consultation on the Project, Tokyo, Japan, April 2008 (2) Expert Meeting on HPAI control in Asia, Tokyo, October, 2008 (3) Information networking Meeting, Tokyo, November 2008 and July, 2009 (4) Strengthening capacity of Veterinary Services; Evaluation of Veterinary Services and Regional training for laboratory staff as well as legislation, July 2009 (5) Surveillance of wild birds and domestic animals along migratory flyways, Hong Kong and Vietnam, Laos and Mongolia, 2009 (6) HPAI molecular Data analysis Workshop, OIE Reference Laboratory, 2009

16 Activities under OIE HPAI Control Projects in Asia (3)
2. OIE/JSTF Project for strengthening HPAI Control in Asia (Phase II: ) (1) Capacity building of HPAI diagnosis and surveillance Regional and National Hands-on Workshop on advanced diagnostic technologies (2) Procurement of Laboratory equipment and materials To support (1) above; Laboratory capacity building *Phase II: East and South Asian countries (2008- 2009)        -Identification of national laboratories and listing            the required laboratory diagnostic equipment and materials *(Phase I: Southeast Asia; )

17 Prevention and Control of Emerging/Transboundary Diseases (1)
Prevention and control of Emerging/transboundary Animal Diseases – Relevant to other Programmes. * Growing importance for the Region of Asia and the Pacific * Preparedness for such the diseases should be strengthened to reduce continuous threats to the livestock sector, animal and human health risks, economic losses and to sustain agricultural development and to promote trading opportunities Relevant to HPAI Control Projects

18 Regional Meetings on Emerging/Transboundary Diseases (2)
1. FAVA/OIE Meeting on Emerging/Transboundary Diseases (Bangkok, Thailand, October 2008) FAVA: Federation of Asian Veterinary Association *Overall aspects on Emerging/Transboundary animal diseases 2. OIE Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome (PRRS) Workshop for ASEAN+3 (Hanoi, Vietnam, September 2008) *Diagnosis and Control * Conventional and a New variant of PRRS -Similar Meeting in 2009

19 Regional Meetings on Emerging/Transboundary Diseases (3)
3. OIE/FAO-APHCA Workshop on BSE and other Prion Diseases (Qindao, PR China, September 2008) *Updated information on BSE and TSEs *BSE free status declaration *Regional Scientific networking *Similar Meeting in RO Korea, in 2009 4. OIE/FAO-APHCA Workshop on Brucellosis Diagnosis and Control (Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 2008) *Harmonize regional diagnostic measures for the control of Brucellosis, focusing on B. Melitensis *Similar Meeting in Khong Kaen, Thailand, June 2009

20 Regional Meetings on Emerging/Transboundary Diseases (4)
5. Global Framework for progressive control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) *FAO/OIE initiative *Capacity building and Regional alliance for disease control *Priority diseases: HPAI, FMD, CSF, PPR *2009: -3 Sub Regional meetings and 3rd Regional Steering committee of GF-TADs

21 Prevention and control of Aquatic Animal Diseases
Aquaculture in Asia and the Pacific *The Region; approximately 90% of aquaculture in the world *Aquatic animal diseases; a threat to its sound development OIE/NACA Regional Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health (Bangkok, March 2008) *Updated information on aquatic animal disease control and prevention (including International Standards; OIE Code and Manual)

22 Summary Improvement of animal health (including zoonoses) in the Region Prevention and control of infectious diseases including emerging/transboundary animal diseases Capacity building of Veterinary Services Regional alliance for animal health Many OIE Regional Projects for the above OIE for the Member countries and territories

23 Thank you for your attention!!

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