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Post Operative Care of the Spine Patient

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Presentation on theme: "Post Operative Care of the Spine Patient"— Presentation transcript:

1 Post Operative Care of the Spine Patient
Anthony Russo, MD Montana Spinal Institute Montana Orthopedics

2 OBJECTIVES Identify surgical approaches and understand unique complications of each Managing the chronic pain patient

3 Surgical Approaches Cervical Anterior Posterior Lumbar

4 Unique Complications:
Surgical Approaches Anterior Cervical Unique Complications: Retropharyngeal Hematoma Epidural Hematoma

5 Surgical Approaches Anterior Cervical
Retropharyngeal Hematoma Worsening Dysphagia Voice Change Anterior Neck Edema Stidor Wound Bleeding

6 Surgical Approaches Anterior Cervical
Epidural Hematoma Worsening Neurologic function Weakness Hyperreflexia

7 Surgical Approaches Posterior Cervical
Wound Complication Esp. with collar Epidural Hematoma Worsening Neurologic function Weakness Hyperreflexia

8 Surgical Approaches Lumbar - Anterior and Posterior
Epidural Hematoma Wound Complications Hardware Failure

9 General Complications
Cardiac MI, arrhythmia Respiratory Atelectasis, pneumonia Urinary UTI, retention, incontinence - notify MD GI N/V, Ileus Endocrine Diabetes

10 Pain Management Chronic Pain Patients Start with baseline pain regimen
Additional meds proportionately Very sensitive to timely response

11 Spine Procedures Most Painful Posterior Lumbar Posterior Cervical
Anterior Lumbar Anterior Cervical Least Painful

12 Spine Pain Management Aggressive Medication Use
Opioids, Muscle relaxants; Anxiolytics NO NSAIDS Careful, Frequent assessment

13 Spine Pain Management Questions?

14 Spine Rehab All Patients Lumbar Patients Cervical Patients
No lifting > 15 lbs No pulling with arms Ambulate as soon as tolerated Can shower as soon as drain out Lumbar Patients No excessive bending/twisting at waist Cervical Patients Collars for comfort use unless ordered otherwise

15 Spine Rehab Questions?

16 Thank you

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