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Bachelor Research Project

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1 Bachelor Research Project 2018-2019
Harold Linnartz – HL501 – Diewertje van de Vlugt – O468 – Homepage:

2 Just entered week 8 of your BRP
You fully understand the goal and context of your project. You have read some substantial amount of relevant literature. All necessary research tools are available and running (access data bases, analysis software, lab equipment) You have obtained your first results and understand whether these are useful (or not) to address your research question. In the case of issues, you have started to think / discussing with your supervisor, how to continue. You may have started to prepare text for the intro and methods section of your thesis.

3 Soon there will be a midterm evaluation.
You will speak with your supervisor on how things are going and he/she will use the Rubric that also will be used for your final grade. The midterm evaluation is informal and only intended to help you, to see where things are going well and where you could put more efforts into your BRP.


5 Progress discussion Are there general research issues you have been running into ? Are there specific research issues you have been encountering ? Do you have research related questions ? Are there questions related to ‘research management’ ? Do you experience your project as (too) challenging or not challenging at all ? How would you place your work in the larger picture ?

6 Some ‘Help, I have to become a researcher’ questions ?
How do I know that my research was not already performed by somebody else ? Oh my god, searching for my topic gives me 783 hits on articles published over the last 10 years. Where to start ? What (how) to read and what not ? How do I optimize the balance between efficiency and creativity ? How do I am on the right track ?

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