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Word Parts 10 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink) 3 suffixes (green)

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Presentation on theme: "Word Parts 10 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink) 3 suffixes (green)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Parts 10 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink) 3 suffixes (green)
Greek lesson 12 Word Parts 10 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink) 3 suffixes (green)

2 1. Therm = heat Lesson 12: Roots
Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Example Words: Thermometer, thermal, hypothermia, thermos, thermostat

3 2. Hydr = water Lesson 12: Roots
Example Words: Dehydrate, hydrogen, hydrant, hydraulic, hydrophobia

4 3. Hygr = moisture Lesson 12: Roots
Example Words: Hygrometer, hygromania

5 4. Bar = weight; pressure Lesson 12: Roots
Example Words: Barometer, barotrauma

6 5. Phot, phos = light Lesson 12: roots
Example Words: Photograph, photogenic, phosphorescence, photoelectric, photogenic, photosynthesis

7 6. Pyr = fire Lesson 12: roots
Example Words: Pyrolysis, empyrean, pyromania

8 7. Aer = lower air Lesson 12: roots
Example Words: Aeroplane, aerial, aeropathy

9 8. Ether = upper air Lesson 12: roots
Example Words: Etherean, ethereal

10 9. Caus, caut = burn Lesson 12: Roots
Example Words: Caustic, cauldron, cauterize

11 10. Od = way; path Lesson 12: Roots
Example Words: Diode, odometer, electrode, period

12 1. Pseudo = false; counterfeit
Lesson 12: Prefix 1. Pseudo = false; counterfeit Example Words: Pseudonym, pseudogyny, pseudoscience

13 1. –phor, -phery = a bearing
Lesson 12: suffixes 1. –phor, -phery = a bearing Euphoric Example Words: Euphoria, hydrophoric

14 2. –phor, -pher = that which bears
Lesson 12: suffixes 2. –phor, -pher = that which bears Example Words: Christopher, metaphor

15 3. –phoric, -phorous = bearing
Lesson 12: suffixes 3. –phoric, -phorous = bearing Dysphoric: Hard to bear Cyophoric: A reference to an awareness of the feeling of pregnancy. Example Words: cyophoric, dysphoric

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