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R1 V R2 R3 R1 V R2 R3 A A person wishing to measure the current through R1 in the circuit above left connects an ammeter as depicted above right. Will.

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Presentation on theme: "R1 V R2 R3 R1 V R2 R3 A A person wishing to measure the current through R1 in the circuit above left connects an ammeter as depicted above right. Will."— Presentation transcript:

1 R1 V R2 R3 R1 V R2 R3 A A person wishing to measure the current through R1 in the circuit above left connects an ammeter as depicted above right. Will that work? a) Yes b) No

2 R1 V R2 R3 R1 V R2 R3 A A person wishing to measure the current through the seat of EMF in the circuit above left connects an ammeter as depicted above right. Will that work? a) Yes b) No

3 R1 V R2 R3 R1 V R2 R3 A A person wishing to measure the current through R1 in the circuit above left connects an ammeter as depicted above right. Will that work? a) Yes b) No

4 R1 V R2 R3 R3 A R2 R1 V A person wishing to measure the current through R1 in the circuit above left connects an ammeter as depicted above right. Will that work? a) Yes b) No

5 25 12volts 42 58 25 12volts 42 58 I2 I1 I3 To analyze the circuit above left a person defines what he thinks is all the currents needed, by annotating the circuit as shown above right. What is wrong with the annotation? a) A current between the two top resistors needs to be defined. b) A current into the seat of EMF needs to be defined. c) The way I2 is defined is nonsense. d) Nothing.

6 I2 I1 I3 I4 25 12volts 42 58 25 12volts 42 58
To analyze the circuit above left a person defines what he thinks is all the currents needed, by annotating the circuit as shown above right. What is wrong with the annotation? a) Too many currents have been defined. I2 is the same as I1. b) Too many currents have been defined. I4 is the same as I1. c) The way I2 is defined is nonsense. d) Nothing.

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