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Six Word Memoirs.

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Presentation on theme: "Six Word Memoirs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six Word Memoirs

2 Write a 6 word memoir that describes you, or the story of your life.
The only rule is: it must be 6 words!

3 Here are some samples! I was named after a store.
I own nine pairs of Converse. Living my dream; please send money. I don’t rock; Guitar Hero lies. Rather be alone in my room.

4 In love with best friend’s boyfriend.
I am almost always missing something. Super powers would make things easier. The Beatles really said it all. School. Soccer. Sweat. Rinse. Homework. Repeat.

5 I resent people who ignore grammar.
I love you, please stop drinking. Friend. Boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend. Friend. Friend’s boyfriend. Lies didn’t work for earning popularity. Fifteen and my mom has cancer.

6 Tried being reasonable. Now I’ll rebel.
Learned that sometimes friends aren’t forever. Hated every hipster. Now I’m one. I fulfilled my awkwardness quota today. A time machine would be nice.

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