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Influences by the school and community

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1 Influences by the school and community

2 Students become part of a larger world in school, and this world influences the decisions they make.
If the school upholds high standards of health, students will usually follow and make a healthy lifestyle part of their life experience. When a child starts school they learn how to work in a team, which can build self-esteem and teach respect for others.

3 Being in school will also teach the student autonomy, the ability to make their own decisions. The school’s economic situation plays a role in affecting a student’s physical health. If the school is financially able to provide healthful school lunches and extracurricular activities this can provide building blocks for health, then students are more likely to live healthier.

4 Coordinated school health

5 One of the ways schools set the example for healthy living is by creating a Healthy School Environment. How do we do that? By creating and following policies! What does zero tolerance mean?

6 How does the school encourage Family and Community involvement?
- Nutrition Services?

7 How does the community encourage healthy behavior?
The resources available within a community determine the extent to which it can support families through various human interaction. Health and recreational facilities help promote healthier lifestyles for both adults and children. These resources include clinics that offer low-cost health care and community sports programs that offer recreational opportunities for adults and children to keep them fit and active.

8 What is available in duval county?!




12 City of Jacksonville recreation/recreation-and-community- programming/community-centers.aspx Youth Soccer - Florida Youth Soccer Association YMCA Adult Soccer - Beaches Adult Soccer League PUBLIC PARKS Youth Baseball - Babe Ruth Ultimate Frisbee - Jacksonville Ultimate Frisbee Youth and Adult Softball - Florida's First Coast Softball Kickball - World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA) Youth Football and Cheer - Pop Warner

13 Safe and drug free schools and community act
Federal law that supports the school and community to reduce drugs, alcohol, tobacco and violence through HEALTH EDUCATION and prevention The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health Collects National Data to determine progress in individual counties. Based on the findings in each area we can determine specific focus areas Florida Department of Health in Duval County Our Mission – To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. Our Vision – To be the Healthiest State in the Nation.

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