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SmartLaw Running a Mock Trial.

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1 SmartLaw Running a Mock Trial

2 Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson you will 2
Running a Mock Trial Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson you will be more aware about the roles of the different professionals within the Crown Court. have gained an insight into the court procedure adopted throughout a criminal trial. have taken part in a mock trial, preparing for and taking on a specific role. 2 © Young Citizens

3 Decides the verdict of the case based on the evidence heard.
Running a Mock Trial Decides the verdict of the case based on the evidence heard. Has to prove that the defendant is guilty. Tries to put a doubt in the magistrates’ minds. Makes decisions about the law and manages the trial Gives evidence to the court. Jury Prosecution Barrister Defence Judge Witness 3 © Young Citizens

4 Produces a drawing of the proceedings.
Running a Mock Trial Produces a drawing of the proceedings. Makes sure the case runs smoothly and swears in witnesses. Writes a report on the case. The person accused of a crime in a court of law. Helps with the administration of the court Court Artist Usher Reporter Defendant Clerk 4 © Young Citizens

5 Reflection 5 Running a Mock Trial
What have you enjoyed most about taking part in the mock trial? What have you least enjoyed about taking part in the mock trial? Below is a list of statements. For each statement answer: yes, no or not sure I know about the people in a court I know what happens in a trial at a Crown Court I understand what the burden of proof is I know the difference between examination in chief and cross examination I am more confident talking in front of an audience I can work better with other people I am better at speaking clearly so people can hear me I can analyse an argument and find its strengths and weaknesses 5 © Young Citizens

6 Running a Mock Trial Plenary Set yourself a target for how you could improve if you were to take part in another mock trial. 22 © Young Citizens

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