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Lusia Ega Andriana & Sri Rohyanti Zulaikha Yogyakarta Indonesia

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1 Lusia Ega Andriana & Sri Rohyanti Zulaikha Yogyakarta Indonesia
Assessing Manuscript Usefulness: An investigation of Javanese Manuscript at The House of Language Library, Yogyakarta By Lusia Ega Andriana & Sri Rohyanti Zulaikha Yogyakarta Indonesia

2 This research tries to find out the use of Javanese manuscript at the House of Language Library Yogyakarta using a qualitative approach. Through this approach, the research compares the extent Javanese manuscripts in special libraries have been utilized

3 CONTENT Background Problems and Formulated Questions
Theoretical Frameworks Results of Findings Concluding Remarks

4 A. BACKGROUND A glance about: BBY’s Library Collection Utilization

5 BBY’S Library BalaiBahasa Yogyakarta (BBY) was established in February Since 2007, BBY has been chaired by Drs. Tirto Suwondo, M.Hum. Its duty is to carry out research, development, and fostering of language and literature in the region and BBY’s Library established. BBY’s Library is a specific library where most of its collections are subjected to linguistic, literature, and some other sciences as supporting studies. One of its collections is javanese manuscripts that must be preserved. Many people want to use this collection, and also needs javanese manuscript not only for research but also to study.

6 Collection Utilization
Everything that has the value for use and can support the needs is called “to have benefits”. As one thing that provides benefits, information should be utilized in which utilization can mean similar to empowerment. Good collections of library materials should be able to meet its users’ tastes, desires, and needs. Sutarno NS (2003: 220) explains that the utilization of a library’s collections can be seen on the intensity and volume of visitors as well as information transaction in the short term.

The Problems of BBY’s Library How is the use of Javanese manuscript CONTENT

8 The Problems of BBY’s Library
Less human resources. The scarce manuscript is fragile. There is less variant of kind of javanese manuscript available.

9 How is the use of Javanese manuscript
Physically good Javanese manuscripts can be borrowed to be read on the spot or be photocopied. This does not of course apply for manuscripts which are very old and physically fragile. The readers can access the e-manuscript on the computer provided. For users who need physical manuscripts for specific purposes, such as research or philological studies, they may borrow them after obtaining permission from the head of the BBY.

Special Libraries Javanese Manuscript Collection Utilization

11 Special Libraries A special library is a library established to support the activities of institution that shelters it which is not free access and is used by certain groups only. The users are limited to a certain homogeneous group . This library also has the specificity of collection, place and management.

12 Javanese Manuscript Javanese manuscripts are written using Javanese language. The collection known as a manuscripts when it was over 50 years old

13 Collection Utilization
Everything that has the value for use and can support the needs is called “to have benefits”. As one thing that provides benefits, information should be utilized in which utilization can mean similar to empowerment. Good collections of library materials should be able to meet its users’ tastes, desires, and needs.

14 D. RESULTS OF FINDINGS Javanese manuscript has become supporting institution activities (BBY). Javanese manuscripts are interesting collections for outside readers, both for research purposes and as a source of reference. The utilization of the collections of Javanese manuscripts is quite high.

15 E. CONCLUDING REMARKS The results of the research
What can be leant from BBY’s Library The research recommendations

16 Adding some human resources is needed.
1. The results of this research can be summarized to 4 points of conclusion The importance of all people to have an awareness of prevent the javanese manuscript in order to prevent the cultures. Adding some human resources is needed. Need to improve the preservation, through using digital sistem or conservation.

17 2. What can be learnt from BBY’s Library
Save the javanese manusript as important as prevent cultures. The function of libraries is still running although less human resource.

18 Recommendations This research recommend that improve the preserving of manuscript is very important to be occured

19 Many thanks for your attention

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