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Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc

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1 Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc
Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM

2 Welcome to the National Leadership Training Program

3 Statement of Purpose The purpose of the National Leadership
Training Program is to equip you with the management tools necessary for effective church leadership. This will be accomplished through comprehensive training focused on conceptual, practical, and Biblical concepts.

4 Leadership Training Task Force
Sister Janie Davis Deacon Robert Dwight Sister Liller Hamilton Brother John Hawthorne Deacon Robbie Jenkins Brother Charles Johnson Brother Chaddrick Middleton Sister Katie McMillian Brother Julius Scott Brother Ronald T. Scott Elder Thomas J. Smith

5 Our purpose is NOT to make every leader the same

6 Featured Classes Understanding Leadership in the Church
Tenants of the Faith Public Speaking Motivating and Recognizing the Gifts of Others The Importance of Communication Goal Setting and Performance Management Conducting Effective Meetings Understanding People Teaching Techniques Problem Solving/Conflict Resolution Setting Up Your Successors for Success Laws Regarding Non-Profit Organizations/Knowing Your Limitations Leadership Forum: National vs. Local Leadership

7 CLASS ONE “Understanding Leadership in the Church”
Presenters: Elder Thomas J. Smith and Bishop Edward Smith Friday, July 7, 2006

8 Focus Scripture Colossians 3:23 - 24 23: And whatsoever ye do,
do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24: Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

9 What is Required of a Leader?
Availability Love Sacrifice Commitment Honesty Loyalty Understanding Being an example

10 What should motivate you to be a leader?
Love for God Love for people Passion to serve Belief in your mission Belief that you can make a difference

11 Why is it difficult to find good leaders?
Many people are often over-committed and busy in other areas Many people are self-willed and sometimes have personal agendas Many people do not want to make the sacrifice required for leadership

12 7 Common Leadership Styles
“I’m aware that some of us take our leadership role a bit more seriously than others …”

13 Visionary “Anyone can steer a ship, but it takes a leader to plot the course”
Has a clear picture of what should happen Future-oriented Idealistic Full of faith

14 Micro-Manager “He who has himself for a doctor is the undertaker’s best friend”
Feel they must control every aspect of their subordinates’ work Not usually open to the ideas of others Demonstrates little faith in the abilities of others

15 Motivators “The true measure of leadership is influence … nothing more, nothing less”
Looks for ways to unite followers toward a common cause Consistently seeks to encourage those who follow them; convinces doubters they can do a mission bigger than themselves Evaluates who needs a challenge, more training, some recognition

16 Democratic Leaders “Good leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment”
Often try to make decisions that will please everyone Have difficulty making a final decision Spend more time in research than in action

17 Team-Builders “A Leader’s Potential is determined by those closest to him”
Finds leaders and places them in the right positions to produce the right results Brings a variety of people together to help a complex organization achieve its mission Believe that no “one” of us is as good as “all” of us Build on the strengths of others

18 Directional Leaders “When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go”
Assesses mission, strengths, weaknesses, resources, and then points organization in the right direction Breaks vision into achievable steps, forming a game plan that everyone can participate in Establishes markers on the way to a destination, then organizes people, process, and resources to achieve mission

19 Delegator “Only the secure leader gives power to others”
Have no problem releasing control to subordinates See their role as manager of the “big-picture” (i.e. Macro-manager) Build the confidence of their subordinates by assigning tasks and holding them accountable

20 EXERCISE: What Is My Leadership Style?
Visionary Micro-manager Motivator Democratic Leader Team-builder Directional Leader Delegator Me! Not me!

21 It is important that you stay motivated because others are watching you.

22 Things that cause loss of motivation
Pressure of busy schedules Personal conflicts Being disorganized Lack of results Lack of training Feeling unappreciated

23 How do you motivate those around you?
Offer a friendly atmosphere Enjoy their uniqueness Know their abilities Know how much they can take on Give them a reputation to uphold Enjoy your work and let it show Look for mutual benefits

24 Successful Leadership Requires …
Communicating with your pastor Communicating with other church leaders Asking God for direction Consistent self-assessment

25 Things to Remember …

26 Leadership is Demanding

27 Build a Great Leadership Team

28 Give your subordinates an opportunity to think and grow

29 Be careful of those who attempt to influence your decisions

30 Prayer for Others in Leadership

31 Remember … You work for God!
Colossians 3: 23: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24: Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

32 Questions?

33 Following the Vision of Your Pastor

34 As a leader, you must also follow …
Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

35 The Importance of Supporting Your Pastor
Your pastor sets the vision for the church Your pastor is ultimately responsible to God for everything which takes place in the church Your pastor is chosen by God to provide oversight and leadership for the church As you expect your subordinates to follow you, God expects you to follow the leadership of our pastor Leaders must promote unity within the church An effective leader seeks to support the vision of his pastor and not to destroy it

36 Questions?

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