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NaNoWriMo Assessment Follow the directions carefully. Make sure you know how to use all the tools in Google docs.

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Presentation on theme: "NaNoWriMo Assessment Follow the directions carefully. Make sure you know how to use all the tools in Google docs."— Presentation transcript:

1 NaNoWriMo Assessment Follow the directions carefully. Make sure you know how to use all the tools in Google docs.

2 Task #1: In the space below, copy and paste the section of your writing that you feel has the BEST voice. You need to select between words. Highlight in yellow two strategies that you used to demonstrate voice. This section will also be checked for editing (including capitalizing your “I”s, using contractions correctly, not using texting / informal language, and having correct sentence structure).

3 Voice Students are able to demonstrate two voice strategies. These strategies are used well and are effective. The voice in writing is strong and unique. Students are able to demonstrate two voice strategies. One of these strategies is used well and are effective. The voice in writing is strong and unique. Students are only able to identify one voice strategy. This strategies is used, but could be more effective. The voice in most of the writing is strong and unique. Students are unable to identify a voice strategy, but it is clear that they have writing that is, at times, strong and unique. The writing feels uninteresting to the reader or is too brief to assess. Other Editing No errors are made. No significant errors are made. Any errors made do not disrupt the flow of the pace. Errors are made in key grammar / usage and mechanics skills. Needs another round of editing. Errors made disrupt the flow of the piece. More work required to understand editing rules. Errors are dominant in the writing. Parts of the writing are illegible due to errors.

4 Task #2: Copy and paste below ONE section of your writing that has DIRECT characterization. Please give me 3-4 sentences for context. Highlight the exact words of your DIRECT characterization.

5 Task #3: Copy and paste below ONE section of your writing that has INDIRECT characterization. Please give me 3-4 sentences for context. Highlight the exact words of your INDIRECT characterization.

6 Characterization Student builds an authentic character. They use a balance of both direct and indirect characterization, as evidenced by what they were able to pull out of their own writing. Student makes an effort to build an authentic character. They use both direct and indirect characterization, but one or two of their examples is not well constructed. Student’s characters don’t feel authentic, based on the examples provided. They are missing 1-2 examples of either direct or indirect characterization. Student provides examples that are not direct or indirect characterization. Student only provides half the number of examples. No characterization represented / No examples provided

7 Task #4: Copy and paste below a section of your writing that has INTERNAL dialogue. Please give me 3-4 sentences for context. Highlight the exact words of your INTERNAL dialogue.

8 Task #5: Copy and paste below a section of your writing that has EXTERNAL dialogue. You must have at least 10 lines of dialogue. All dialogue must be punctuated correctly and be purposeful.

9 Purposeful Dialogue The intent of the dialogue is clear. Both the internal and external dialogue is interesting to a reader and shows mastery of character and motivation. Student shows greater mastery in one form of dialogue over the other.. Both the internal and external dialogue is interesting to a reader. It is clear the student knows what the intent of good dialogue should be. However, the student did not mark or punctuate the dialogue correctly. The dialogue shows some progress. The dialogue is uninteresting to the reader; is too brief to make an assessment; or is in some other way, incomplete. Student is unable to demonstrate purposeful dialogue. No dialogue shown.

10 Task #6: Answer this question below: How has a character in your own writing grown or changed throughout the story? How do they demonstrate a character arc?

11 Task #7: Answer this question below: What was the primary external conflict of your story? How do you see it fitting together with the internal conflict you described in the previous question?

12 Layered Conflict and Character Arc
Student is able to clearly and analytically discuss both internal and external conflict, as well as a character’s arc. They use examples from their own writing to provide evidence or proof. Student is able to clearly discuss both internal and external conflict, as well as a character’s arc. They are beginning to use examples from their own writing to provide evidence or proof. Students are unable to identify or discuss one of the following three: Internal conflict, external conflict, and character arc; or students can discuss them but are not using their own piece for examples Students are unable to identify or discuss two of the following three: Internal conflict, external conflict, and character arc; or students can discuss them, but it feels disconnected from what they actually wrote .Questions are left blank or students are unclear or incomplete with their answers

13 Task #8: What were your two revision goals
Task #8: What were your two revision goals? Describe exactly the actions you took to make progress toward those goals. If you have physical evidence of your work toward these goals, please copy and paste below OR turn it into the assignment folder. Revision Goal #1: Discussion of what you did to address the goals: Revision Goal #2:

14 Revision Goals Student shows evidence of change according to mini-lessons, and is able to discuss their progress or growth.. Writing reflects growth and progress. Both goals were clearly made and met. Student shows evidence of some change according to mini-lessons. Students can describe what they did to make changes, but that description is missing some analysis. Writing reflects growth and progress. Student met at least one goal. Student shows minimal evidence of change according to mini-lessons. Writing reflects some growth and progress. There is no evidence of clearly meeting either goal, although students are able to detail what their goals were. Student struggles to find proof of growth. Could use more time in revision. Goals didn’t tie into revision mini-lessons and / or students were unable to fully discuss their goals. Student has not made any changes between draft copies. Students are unable to identify their goals.

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