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Self-Concept Self-Esteem

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Concept Self-Esteem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Concept Self-Esteem
Mental Picture you have of yourself (May have developed from labels given you by others) (May include any sterotypes) Self-Esteem Feelings you have about ourselves

2 Other’s Reactions To Me
Self - Concept Circle The person I think I am. The person others think I am. The person others think I think I am. As I See Myself Other’s Reactions To Me My Actions As Others See Me

3 Positive Self-Concept
I can do anything I really want to do. I have definite strengths and abilities. I am an okay person. I see myself as being as good as my friends. There are many ways to solve a problem.

4 Characteristic of Negative Self-Concept
I am not nearly as good as my friends. Why try? I could never do it anyway. I am a jerk. I cannot do anything right. I knew my plans would not work.

5 Building Self Esteem Associate with people who build.
Build others, sincere compliments. Set and achieve goals. Eat correctly, look your best. Observe self-confident people. Ask for help. Improve yourself, learn something new. Do not say negative things about yourself. Think positively.

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