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CAM与自动编程 封志明

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1 CAM与自动编程 封志明

2 --Chapter VI-- VI、Face Milling Face Milling overview
Face Milling Geometry Face Milling Operation Parameters Face Milling Cutting Parameters Create Face Milling Operation Face Milling Operation Example Mechanical University

3 To be able to Create a Face Milling.
Chapter VI To understand the Face milling. To understand Face Milling and Mixed Cut Pattern. Objectives To be able to Create a Face Milling.

4 6.1 Face Milling Overview Face Milling 6.1.1 What’s face milling
Face Milling operations is used to machine planar faces. Part geometry and Cut Area geometry must be selected. Face Milling removes material in planar levels with respect to the tool axis, so the faces that are not planar and perpendicular to the tool axis are ignored.

5 6.1 Face Milling Overview 6.1.1 What’s face milling
In all Face Milling operations you can do the following: Simplify the shape of a cut pattern. Apply different cut patterns on multiple faces using the Mixed cut pattern. Create a custom cut pattern using the Manual cut pattern. Control how far the cutter cuts over the edge of the part. Apply Wall stock independent of Part stock. Extend the tool path to the part outline. Smooth out the tool path. Merge two tool paths.

6 Tab.6-1 Face Milling operation subtypes
6.1 Face Milling Overview 6.1.2 Face Milling operation Subtypes Tab.6-1 Face Milling operation subtypes Icon Subtype Description FACE_MILLING The main Face Milling operation subtype. FACE_MILLING_AREA Customized to recognize a cut area and wall selection. Customized with the Mixed cut pattern to let you specify a different cut pattern for each face. The available cut patterns include a Manual option that lets you position the tool exactly where you need to, similar to Teach Mode in Turning.

7 Tab.6-2 Valid geometry for Face Milling
6.2 Face Milling Geometry 6.2.1 Valid geometry for Face Milling Tab.6-2 Valid geometry for Face Milling

8 Tab.6-3 Valid geometry for Face Milling area
6.2 Face Milling Geometry 6.2.2 Valid geometry for Face Milling Area Tab.6-3 Valid geometry for Face Milling area

9 Fig.6-2 Part requiring unique wall stock
6.2 Face Milling Geometry Wall recognition in Face Milling Area Wall Stock and Wall Geometry recognition In a FACE_MILL_AREA operation, you can use Specify Wall Geometry  and Wall Stok to:  Override the global Part Stock value. Select faces on the Part body (other than the faces being machined) as Wall Geometry. Apply a unique Wall Stock value to those faces in place of Part Stock. Fig.6-2 Part requiring unique wall stock

10 6.3 Face Milling Operation Parameters
6.3.1 Mixed Cut Pattern The Mixed cut pattern is used to specify different cut patterns on each face of the part, or when you want to use Manual cut pattern. When you select the Mixed cut pattern in a Face Milling operation, different cut patterns can be defined in the Region Cut Patterns dialog box when you click Generate  in the Action group. Fig.6-4 Region Cut Patterns Dialog Box

11 6.3 Face Milling Operation Parameters
6.3.1 Mixed Cut Pattern From the Region Cut Patterns dialog box you can: Fig.6-4 Region Cut Patterns Dialog Box Fig.6-5 Tool Path of a Face Milling operation with the mixed cut pattern Assign different cut patterns to different regions. Edit a manual cut pattern. Copy a manual cut pattern from one region to another.

12 6.3 Face Milling Operation Parameters
6.3.2 Face Milling Cut Depth The cut levels N are calculated for each selected face as follows: N = (H - f) / h Depth Per Cut Value

13 6.4 Face Milling Cutting Parameters
6.4.1 Blank Overhang Blank Overhang is used to control the distance that the cutting tool travels beyond the edge of a face in a Face Milling operation. The Blank Overhang distance is specified as a percentage of the tool diameter.

14 6.4 Face Milling Cutting Parameters
Prevent Undercutting Fig.6-9 Prevent Undercutting off Fig.6-10 Prevent Undercutting on

15 6.4 Face Milling Cutting Parameters
Merge Distance When there are multiple faces, which lie at the same level, Face Milling automatically attempts to merge the faces into a single region prior to machining. However, if you set the Region Sequencing option to Standard, faces are not merged, in order to preserve the sequence in which you selected the faces. The criteria used to merge the faces is dependent upon the Blank Overhang percentage that you use. Fig.6-15 Part To Be Face Milled Fig.6-16 the result of a Blank Overhang

16 6.4 Face Milling Cutting Parameters
Extend to Part Outline Fig Face is not extended Fig Face is extended

17 6.4 Face Milling Cutting Parameters
Simplify Shapes Fig None Fig Convex Hull Fig Minimum Box

18 Tool Path of a multiple levels Face Milling Operation
6.6 Face Milling Example Face Milling Part Model Define Cut Area Tool Path of a multiple levels Face Milling Operation

19 THANKS 封志明/机械工程学院 2019年5月6日

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