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Modern English Grammar 2 Session 8

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1 Modern English Grammar 2 Session 8
Conditionals Modern English Grammar 2 Session 8

2 But first a quick recap on …
…what conditions the choice of modals.

3      15.4 Which Modal?    extrinsic modality
intrinsic modality relationship with interlocutor strength of confidence or belief social standing level of formality of the situation MEG-2 © FAM

4 For Conditionals the use of auxiliaries
is more narrowly defined and determined by the situation, both pragmatically and syntactically.

5 Let’s check Exploration 1 on page 132

6 16.1 Exploring Conditionals a)
1. if fossil fuel is burnt CO2 is released into the atmosphere 2. if I had £ 10,000,000 I would buy a house in California 3. if it rains you’ll get soaking wet. 4. if she had told her teachers about the bullying they would have suspended the gang 5. if water freezes its volume increases 6. if we reduce our carbon footprint we decrease the rate of global warming MEG-2 © FAM

7 16.1 Exploring Conditionals b)
7. if you ask her out she will probably not turn you down 8. had you phoned earlier we wouldn’t have arranged to go out tonight 9. supposing you were able to convince the committee you could get a grant for the next three years 10. if it snowed tomorrow he’d be on the piste all day 11. if my mother had been poor my father would have married someone else 12. unless there is plenty of rain in October the wheat grows very badly MEG-2 © FAM

8 Do Exploration 2 on page 132 MEG-2 © FAM

9 16.1 Exploring Conditionals c)
open possibility outcome likely/expected limited, mainly theoretical possibility outcome doubtful impossibility outcome “overtaken by events” 1 2 4 3 9 8 5 10 11 6 Numbers come up in the sequence of the sentences in the explorations 7 12 MEG-2 © FAM

10 Do Activity 1 on page 133 MEG-2 © FAM

11 16.1 Basic types of Conditionals
If clause main clause Probable condition (I) If you ask her out she will probably not turn you down. Verb forms Conditional I present will + main verb Hypothetical condition (II) if I had £ 10,000,000 I would buy a house in California. Verb forms Conditional II past would + main verb Impossible condition (III) Had you phoned earlier we wouldn’t have arranged to go out tonight. Verb forms Conditional III past perfect would have + main verb -ed MEG-2 © FAM

12 …this isn’t really the whole picture
But as always… …this isn’t really the whole picture

13 Do Exploration 3 on page 132 MEG-2 © FAM

14 16.2.1 Variations a) Type unusual element
1. If you see him, tell him to get lost. I imperative in MC 2. If we run/ran like hell we might just make the train. I/II modal aux in MC 3. I won’t be able to get up to the hut if it has snowed. I present perfect in if-C 4. Come this way if you will, your Grace. I? will in if-C 5. If you saw him in the street, he always looked the other way. ? no auxiliaries MEG-2 © FAM

15 16.2.1 Variations b) Type unusual element
6. You can pick it up tomorrow if they are fixing it now. I modal in MC, pres. cont. in if-C 7. Please phone me immediately if it should arrive today. I should in if-C 8. If I were you, I’d run a mile in a situation like this. II were instead of was 9. He gets nervous if his wife brings home her boss. ? present in both clauses (no aux.) 10. I will take it to the post office if you would only sign it. I? would in if-C MEG-2 © FAM

16 Do Activity 2 on page 133 MEG-2 © FAM

17 16.2.1 Extended Basic Conditionals a)
If clause main clause General condition (0a) if his wife brings home her boss he gets nervous Verb forms Conditional 0a present present (simple) General condition (0b) If you saw him in the street he always looked the other way Verb forms Conditional 0b past past (simple) meaning: if = whenever MEG-2 © FAM

18 Continue with Activity 2 on page 135

19 16.2.1 Extended Basic Conditionals b)
1. if you see him tell him to get lost. instruction Verb Forms present simple imperative I 3. if it has snowed I won’t be able to get up to the hut condition to be met before event in the main clause Verb Forms present perfect will + main verb I 6. if they are fixing it now you can pick it up tomorrow condition in progress at the time of speaking Verb Forms present continuous aux + main verb I 7. if it should arrive today please phone me immediately (rather) formal request Verb Forms should + verb MEG-2 © FAM

20 16.2.1 Extended Basic Conditionals C)
4. if you will, your Grace come this way polite request / volition Verb Forms will (+ main verb) I 10. if you would only sign it I will take it to the post office polite, urgent request Verb Forms would + main verb I/II 2. if we run/ran like hell we might just make the train. hypothetical or possible condition with questionable result Verb Forms present/past modal aux II 8. if I were you I’d run a mile in a situation like this. residual use of subjunctive in English Verb Forms subjunctive MEG-2 © FAM

21 Do Activity 3 on page 135 MEG-2 © FAM

22 “non-dependent condition”
Mixed forms If-clause Main Clause if it hadn’t rained all week I would take you on a hike today III II if you enjoyed Reservoir Dogs you will enjoy Pulp Fiction as well II I if I weren’t so damn soft-hearted I would have thrown you out a long time ago II III if it will make a difference I’ll lend you the money “non-dependent condition” ? I? MEG-2 © FAM

23 Do Exploration 4 on page 134 MEG-2 © FAM

24 16.3 Correct or incorrect: rules of thumb a)
1. If you will make an effort, I will talk to her. OK: volition 2. I will see you if I will be in Bern next. Wrong 3. I would try to do theses exercises if I would know where to start. Wrong 4. If you would organise a plumber, I would pay for the work. OK: polite request 5. If he is watching telly we are waiting a long time. Wrong 6. You have to be very careful if you are going to challenge her. OK MEG-2 © FAM

25 16.3 Correct or incorrect: rules of thumb a)
7. Were it to rain tomorrow, we would have to cancel the concert. Formal, replacement construction using subjunctive 8. She would have done it if you would have asked her to. Wrong 9. If you be found wanting, you will be condemned to an eternity of sorrow. Subjunctive, highly formal 10. If she was interested, she would have given you her mobile number. relatively informal, more formally “were interested”. 11. He would have a lot more money if he were to move to Spain. “were to” (subjunctive) expressing a relatively vague plan MEG-2 © FAM

26 Do Exploration 5 on page 134 MEG-2 © FAM

27 16.4. Alternatives to “if” if only only if providing (that)
provided (that) suppose (that) supposing (that) assuming that unless (=if not) even if on condition that in case assuming (that) as long as so long as given the fact that inversion (II/III) MEG-2 © FAM

28 Home Study Exploration 1 on page 140 MEG-2 © FAM

29 Modern English Grammar
Bye for now… Ere Phoibos his course eight-fold has run ‘twill be time again for Modern English Grammar MEG-2 © FAM

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