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The questions to be posed:

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1 The questions to be posed:
An Historic Perspective of Applications of Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry to Environmental Matrix Analysis Peter J Baugh, Leader, EFASIG, The BMSS, c/o 23, Priory Rd., Sale M33 2BU, Greater Manchester Abstract The questions to be posed: How did it all commence? What has been achieved? What does the future hold? The applications of chromatography mass spectrometry to environmental matrix analysis are numerous. Although the origins of GC/MS can be traced back to 1959, the major thrust towards the utilization of GC/MS in environmental analysis was in 1976 when the USEPA proposed that the coupled instrumental technique should be the method of choice for analysis of priority pollutants in sludge. At that time, the chromatography employed packed columns with a jet separator. The first attempts were futile because one sample completely destroyed the chromatography and severely contaminated the ion source of the mass spectrometer leading to a total loss in sensitivity. Sample preparation became of prime importance and the methodology has become ever more sophisticated as has the resolution of the chromatography with the advent of fused-silica capillary columns and with a wide range of non-polar to polar stationary phases. A parallel increase in the capability and capacity of LC columns has enhanced LC/MS. The sophistication in mass spectrometry has been beyond expectation and almost beyond belief. In this short review, only a snapshot of the advances in the applications can be presented but it will be demonstrated that practioners with the instrument companies have succeeded in ensuring that chromatography mass spectrometry has a very bright and long future. 1

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Origins, Fundamentals and Foundation of MS and GC (LC), where to start? Question: If m/e (z) for charged particles had not been discovered, which is a fundamental absolute, would mass spectrometry have evolved, as such, and if not, where would we now be without m over e?? To be discussed: The origin of the relationships between matter and electricity: M. Faraday, Extrapolation ions and current ion current TIC (Mass Spec.) J J Thomson, mass/charge ratio (m/e), the basic ratio for all mass spectrometry. Historical development of mass spectrometry instrumentation: Thomson/Aston GC /GLC, early successes, 1960s, capillary column resolution capability. The foundations of Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, GC/MS Early advances in the applications of GC/MS Upsurge in the environmental applications of chromatography mass spectrometry following USEPA initiative 1976 Ionisation methods and mass analysers for environmental applications, low cost /high cost. Advances in sophistication in the chromatography- MDGC & GCxGC Importance of sample preparation for environmental analysis Bibliography Conclusions EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

3 1 & 2. M/e to the development of first mass spectrograph
The first measurement of mass to charge ratio (m/e) for a charged particle can be traced back to J J Thomson, 1897, who used a combination of electric and magnetic fields to measure m/e leading to the discovery of electrons, the first subatomic particles, which were previously unidentified negatively charged particles, known as cathode rays.  In 1912 Thomson with his assistant Aston channeled a stream of neon ions through a magnetic and an electric field and measured the deflection by placing a photographic plate in its path. They observed two patches of light on the photographic plate, which suggested two different parabolas of deflection, and concluded that neon is composed of atoms of two different atomic masses (neon-20 and neon-22) The first sector instrument (E/B), mass spectrograph, was developed by Aston 100 years ago with which he detected the separation of isotopes from a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1922. Θ = F.e.l/mv2   ; φ = H.e.l/mv When Θ = φ then m/e = H2.l/F.Θ EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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3. GC /GLC 1950s, James and Martin, and early successes, 1960s Capillary column resolution exhibited a unique capability but initially long retention times, with limited detectors, TCD, FID High-resolution capillary GC chromatogram from This is a chromatogram of all 17 octane isomers, a separation that many thought was not possible, retention time range ~ 4 h. Taken from Harold McNair, LC-GC North America, 28, , 2010, A History of GC. My Early Experiences. Quote: Dr. Marcel Golay taught both myself and Carl Cramers (later Prof. Dr. C.C.) how to make capillary GC columns using both stainless steel and polymeric tubing. Later, Dennis Desty from British Petroleum installed a glass drawing machine and we began to (not easily) make glass capillary columns. Glass could be made more inert than stainless steel, but it was not easy to manufacture or deactivate. The resolving potential of GLC was recognised almost from the advent. The progression of capillary column fabrication through the 1960s to 1980s was metal, polymer tubing, borosilicate and fused silica with an increased capability chemically bonded and range of stationary phases. EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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4. The foundations of Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, GC/MS In 1959, a GC was coupled with a TOF-MS, which appears to be the earliest recorded instrument in the development of GC/MS.  Gohlke, R. S. (1959). "Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Gas-Liquid Partition Chromatography". Analytical Chemistry. 31 (4): 535–541. doi: /ac50164a024. ISSN  Direct combination of a BENDIX TOF-MS scanning from m/e 1 to 6000 at rate of 2000 times per sec. with a gas liquid partition chromatograph to characterise organic chemical mixtures with bpt below 350oC. Immediate application to environmental sample analysis. EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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5. Early advances in GC/MS instrumentation and applications, 1960s to 1970s and the use of data systems, with some personal observations An indication of the development of MS, by the 1960s, as an example, Finnigan alone had produced 500 MS instruments and there were many other developments of MS analysers, ionisers and detectors. I recall through a personal contact that AEI had installed GC/MS facility at a location on the Eastern seaboard of the USA as early as 1965, using a tape recorder for data collection. With the advent of borosilicate columns introduced and manufactured by Desty using capillary drawing machine, there was an increase in the applications of gas chromatography to complex mixture analysis and in the coupling to mass spectrometry. Experts in both techniques combined their knowledge to enable the interfacing of capillary columns to large magnetic sector instruments. For example, in the 1974, I spent a month at the Max Planck Institute for Kohlenforschung, Mulheim, where Schomburg (GC specialist) and Henneberg (MS specialist), applied capillary GC/MS to analyse many multi-component systems using and utilised Atlas main-frame computers to analyse the data, offline (on the fly). Borosilicate capillary columns up to m in length were required for the separation of frequently closely similar analytes. Reference: Computer Systems for Chemical Research Dr. Engelbert Ziegler  Dr. Dieter Henneberg  Dr. Gerhard Schomburg First published: May 1972 Angew. Chem., 11, 1972,   EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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Advances in chromatographic column technology for interfacing to MS Packed column GC required a jet separator for interfacing to MS. Borosilicate open tubular columns were susceptible to breakage at the GLT interface and were superseded by: Fused silica capillary columns in the late 1970s, which enhanced the capability from several standpoints: Including ease of interfacing of GC to MS (thread through GLT for alignment in ion source), and Facilitating chemically bonded, non-polar to semi-polar, stationary phases to be applied. Data system advances Incos provided the prime advancement in Data Systems in the 1970s and was acquired by Finnigan initially for quadupole mass filter instruments but subsequently also interfaced to sector instruments in the early 1980s (e.g., VG) EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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6. Upsurge in the environmental applications of chromatography mass spectrometry Prior to 1970 for drinking water about 100 compounds were known to be present. Early references: L H Keith was a pioneer and editor of the first book published on the subject of Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water. Example reference from the book Keith, L. H.; Garrison, A. W.; Allen, F. R.; Carter, M. H.; Floyd, T. L.; Pope, J. D.; Thruston, A. D., Jr. In Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water; Keith, L. H., Ed.; Ann Arbor Science: Ann Arbor, MI, 1976; pp B. For environmental applications, an important date also was 1976 when the USEPA selected GC/MS as the method of choice for environmental analysis for the monitoring of ca toxic pollutants out of which 122 were termed Priority Pollutants to which several metals and 2,3,7,8 TCDD have been subsequently added, to increase the total to 129. EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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31. 2,4-dichlorophenol 32. 1,2-dichloropropane 33. 1,3-dichloropropylene 34. 2,4-dimethylphenol 35. 2,4-dinitrotoluene 36. 2,6-dinitrotoluene 37. 1,2-diphenylhydrazine 38. Ethylbenzene 39. Fluoranthene 40. 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether 41. 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether 42. Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 43. Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane 44. Methylene chloride 45. Methyl chloride 46. Methyl bromide 47. Bromoform 48. Dichlorobromomethane 49. (Removed) 50. (Removed) 51. Chlorodibromomethane 52. Hexachlorobutadiene 53. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 54. Isophorone 55. Naphthalene 56. Nitrobenzene 57. 2-nitrophenol 58. 4-nitrophenol 59. 2,4-dinitrophenol 60. 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol 91. Chlordane 92. 4,4-DDT 93. 4,4-DDE 94. 4,4-DDD 95. Alpha-endosulfan 96. Beta-endosulfan 97. Endosulfan sulfate 98. Endrin 99. Endrin aldehyde 100. Heptachlor 101. Heptachlor epoxide 102. Alpha-BHC 103. Beta-BHC 104. Gamma-BHC 105. Delta-BHC 106. PCB-1242 (Arochlor 1242) 107. PCB-1254 (Arochlor 1254) 108. PCB-1221 (Arochlor 1221) 109. PCB-1232 (Arochlor 1232) 110. PCB-1248 (Arochlor 1248) 111. PCB-1260 (Arochlor 1260) 112. PCB-1016 (Arochlor 1016) 113. Toxaphene 114. Antimony 115. Arsenic 116. Asbestos 117. Beryllium 118. Cadmium 119. Chromium 120. Copper 1. Acenaphthene 2. Acrolein 3. Acrylonitrile 4. Benzene 5. Benzidine 6. Carbon tetrachloride 7. Chlorobenzene 8. 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 9. Hexachlorobenzene 10. 1,2-dichloroethane 11. 1,1,1-trichloreothane 12. Hexachloroethane 13. 1,1-dichloroethane 14. 1,1,2-trichloroethane 15. 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 16. Chloroethane 17. (Removed) 18. Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether 19. 2-chloroethyl vinyl ethers 20. 2-chloronaphthalene 21. 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 22. Parachlorometa cresol 23. Chloroform 24. 2-chlorophenol 25. 1,2-dichlorobenzene 26. 1,3-dichlorobenzene 27. 1,4-dichlorobenzene 28. 3,3-dichlorobenzidine 29. 1,1-dichloroethylene 30. 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene 61. N-nitrosodimethylamine 62. N-nitrosodiphenylamine 63. N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine 64. Pentachlorophenol 65. Phenol 66. Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 67. Butyl benzyl phthalate 68. Di-N-Butyl Phthalate 69. Di-n-octyl phthalate 70. Diethyl Phthalate 71. Dimethyl phthalate 72. Benzo(a) anthracene 73. Benzo(a) pyrene 74. Benzo(b) fluoranthene 75. Benzo(k) fluoranthene 76. Chrysene 77. Acenaphthylene 78. Anthracene 79. Benzo(ghi) perylene 80. Fluorene 81. Phenanthrene 82. Dibenzo(,h) anthracene 83. Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene 84. Pyrene 85. Tetrachloroethylene 86. Toluene 87. Trichloroethylene 88. Vinyl chloride 89. Aldrin 90. Dieldrin 121. Cyanide, Total 122. Lead 123. Mercury 124. Nickel 125. Selenium 126. Silver 127. Thallium 128. Zinc ,3,7,8-TCDD EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

10 6. Test methods and directives for pollutant monitoring in environmental matrices
The US-EPA methods are the hallmark for environmental analysis, which can be accessed via the website links: EPA offices and laboratories, and outside organizations, have developed approved methods for measuring the concentration of a substance or pollutant.  Below are categories of methods: Air and Radiation Water Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances Research and Development - Not Approved Solid Waste and Emergency Response Index to EPA Test Methods Drinking Water Inspectorate Drinking Water Inspectorate - GOV.UK The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC is an EU directive which commits European Union member states to achieve good qualitative and quantitative status of all water bodies by 2015. EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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7. Ionisation methods and mass analysers for environmental matrix analysis Ionisation methods: EI (70 eV electrons) has been and is a primary mode of ionisation for environmental GC/MS because of the characteristic mass spectral fragmentation patterns generated. Molecular ions are most often in low abundance except for aromatic compounds, such as, PAHs. The mass spectral fragmentation patterns of the target analytes allow data base matching with standard mass spectra, NIST/Wiley, which enables positive identification in many instances for known targets. EI/CI switching can be of advantage to verify the molecular ion for the analyte of interest. Enhancement of the molecular ion using soft EI (12 eV electrons) has been made possible in recent years. Mass Analysers: Almost all types of mass spectrometric instrumentation have been used for environmental analysis, although TOF, historically the first to be coupled chromatographically, did not find favour until more recently. Low cost quadrupoles (Q) were introduced in the 1970s, which promoted their use in lieu of more expensive sector instruments. Ion traps (IT) also because of cost have been widely used as has MSD. Sift-MS has also been introduced in recent years. Scan modes are FS (ms data base matching) and SIM (specificity) High cost tandem (QqQ) and hybrid MS (EBqQ) have advantages in that MRM provides a further level of selectivity for reactant ion to product ion specificity for target analytes. The MS capability has been extended by the introduction of the QTOF (reflectron) orbitrap, ion mobility, and FTICR MS. The choice of MS also depends on the mass accuracy required to avoid false positives (dioxin/PCBs targeting). EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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Mass Analysers Triple Quadrupole Mass Analyser, TSQ Single Quadrupole Mass Filter Time of Flight Mass Analyser, TOF TOF, Reflectron EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

13 EB Dual Focus Sector (& reverse geometry BE)
Mass Analysers, continued QTOF EB Dual Focus Sector (& reverse geometry BE) Orbitrap IM MS Drift tube EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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8. Advances in the sophistication of chromatography in recent years Heart cutting has been well used for a number of decades MDGC GCxGC (LCxLC) Not discussed here Ion Chromatography, IC EC CEC EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

15 8. Principle of Comprehensive 2D Chromatography
Normal Chromatography Heart-cut 2D Chromatography Multi-dimensional techniques Comprehensive 2D Chromatography EFASIG at BMSS39 September 13, 2018

16 8. Colour plots and surface plots
Time in the second dimension is the modulation period EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018 16

17 Typical peak widths in 2D = <200 ms
8. 2D peak widths 1-methyl naphthalene 1-methyl naphthalene 0.16 s Typical peak widths in 2D = <200 ms EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018 17

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9. The Importance of Sample Preparation & Clean-up Although with reasonably clean samples, sample preparation and clean up can be avoided. Here, direct sample introduction can be allowed using, for example, triple quadrupole via which MRM can be conducted to select reactant ions from the target analyte, which may undergo unique processes to generate product ions thus increasing the selectivity. Generally though, it is advisable to clean-up and prepare samples prior to injection. Sample preparation procedures are dependent on target analyte physical properties: RMM, volatility/vapour pressure, hydrophobicity, polarity, ionicity. A range of clean-up methods involve the following column based clean up technologies. Protein precipitation Phospholipid depletion Non-selective SPE LLE C18 SPE C8 C2 IE SPE Immunoaffinity techniques Dirty Sample Clean sample EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

19 Microwave digestion/extraction
9. Sample extraction and preparation methods for water and solids Sample preparation can be conducted off-line or on-line depending on the nature of the matrix and the extent to which clean-up and concentration are required. Off-line or On-Line ? Essentially, the extent to which sample preparation is necessary from the raw matrix depends on the physical nature, liquid or solid (or gaseous atmosphere). Water as a matrix (river system/effluent) can be solvent (LLE) or solid phase extracted (SPE) and the resulting sample pre-concentrated prior to analysis. Large volume Injection (&headspace) is also possible for a water based matrix (direct or on-line preconcentration injection) SolidPhaseMicroExtraction can be conducted off-line or on-line. (VOCs & SVOCs) Purge & trap for VOCs can be conducted on-line (lost in LLE). Soil or fly ash as matrix may be solvent extracted (direct, soxhlet or microwave extraction) but the resultant liquid will require extensive clean-up involving a number of Steps (classic case- dioxins). PFE can replace soxhlet extraction Note: Fauna & flora also will require a similar sample treatment SPME Oct 1, 2012 By: John Hinshaw LCGC EUROPE Volume 25, Issue 10, pp On-Line SPME P urge& Trap Microwave digestion/extraction EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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9. Automated sample preparation and injection AutoPrep GC-QQQ Improved selectivity and lower detection limits for target compound analysis, with the benefits of automated sample preparation and injection. AutoPrep GC-MSD The AutoPrep GC-MSD extends the capability of the Agilent product by automating sample preparation and introduction - for volatiles and semi-volatiles. EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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9. Automated and semi-automated sample preparation and clean-up instrumentation Simple to Operate -  Fast -  High Throughput - Green Technology -  Quality Consumables -  Low Solvent -  Reliable -  No Cross-Contamination -  Economical -  Affordable -  High Fat removal capacity - No Computer or Electronics 30 to 45 minutes 6 Samples in ParallelZero DCM Guaranteed Certified Columns As Low as 90 ml Per Sample No Electronic or Mechanical Components to Fail No Tubing Column Kits to Meet Your Sample Matrix No Capital Equipment Cost, Low cost consumables Up to 10 grams EconoPrep® Sample Cleanup for Dioxin, PCB & PBDE Analysis Fast Processes 8 Samples in 45 min Green Technology    Zero DCM Low Solvent              As low as 90ml Per Sample EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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10. Bibiography REVIEWS, BOOKS relating to environmental mass spectrometry Early Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry R S Gohlke and F W J McLafferty, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrometry, 4, 367, 1993 The years from the 1970s to 2001 are reviewed in Mass Spectrometry in Environmental Science Susan D Richardson, Chem. Rev., 2001, 101, with 1145 references. More than 60 reviews are cited alone. History of Mass Spectrometry Jennifer Griffiths, Anal. Chem., 80, , 2008. Comprehensive Environmental Mass Spectrometry Albert T Lebedev, ed., Advanced Topics in Environmental Science Series, 2012, (ILM Publications), pp 510, 21 authors. Environmental Mass Spectrometry A T Lebedev, Ann Rev. Anal Chem., 6, , 2013. Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 9: Historical Perspectives, Part A: The Development of Mass Spectrometry M L Gross, R M Caprioli eds., 2016. EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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Typical Range of Applications, chapter titles from Lebedev (1) GC/MS: A workhorse of modern environmental analysis LC/MS- Qualitative/quantitative analysis of environmental pollutants MS/MS Approaches for the analysis of environmental pollutants Informatics & mass spectral data bases in evaluation of environmental mass spectral data Advanced methods for GC/MS including GC/GC/MS Ambient MS- environmental analysis without sample preparation. Desorption electrospray MS Miniaturised MS for environmental analysis ICPMS in environmental analysis MS- role in studies of VOPs MS- ID & quantification of toxicologically important drinking water disinfection by-products Emerging contaminants in the environment Pesticide residue analysis by GC & LC/MS Analysis of persistent halogenated compounds- DBDs & DBFs MS of Atmospheric aerosols MS in the study of interactions of environmental pollutants with DNA Petroleomics- complex organic mixtures using FTICR MS Ultrahigh resolution FTICR for the analysis of natural organic matter MS Imaging in environmental science ICR MS, e.g., earth sciences (1) Comprehensive Environmental Mass Spectrometry, Advances Topics in Environmental Science, Albert T. Lebedev, ed. (2012), ILM Publications (St Albans, England ; Glerndale, AZ, USA), EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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FERA Mesocosm Animation By Jon Baugh EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

25 Thank you for your attention!
11. Conclusions It is without doubt that Chromatography coupled with MS has succeeded well beyond expectation and competes strongly with all other instrumental techniques to tackle a wide range of environmental applications. In many instances, it is the and one and only technique of choice. It is clear that with the advances made to date that the future for Chomatography Mass Spectrometry is healthy and further refinements to the chromatography, the interfacing, the instrumentation and the data systems will be forthcoming because of the innovative and inventive capability of the community, the practitioners and MS high tech. organisations, acting in concert. Thank you for your attention! EFASIG at BMSS39, September 13, 2018

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