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Andy Wang Operating Systems COP 4610 / CGS 5765

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Presentation on theme: "Andy Wang Operating Systems COP 4610 / CGS 5765"— Presentation transcript:

1 Andy Wang Operating Systems COP 4610 / CGS 5765
Exam Review Andy Wang Operating Systems COP 4610 / CGS 5765

2 Coverage Total: 75 points; 1 min / point
64 points based on lectures 1-7, assignments 1-4, and project 1 11 points based on your ability to apply various principles learned in the class

3 Introduction and History
Definitions Operating system Job Batch system Timesharing

4 Introduction and History
Short answers Four phases of OS history OS design goals

5 Concurrency: Threads, Address Spaces, and Processes
Definitions Thread Address space Process Context switch

6 Concurrency: Threads, Address Spaces, and Processes
Definitions Uniprogramming Multiprogramming Multithreading Multiprocessing Multitasking

7 Concurrency: Threads, Address Spaces, and Processes
Short answers Benefits of concurrency Program vs. process Dispatching loop Thread state diagram

8 Genesis: From Raw Hardware to Processes
Definitions Master boot record System call User mode Kernel mode

9 Genesis: From Raw Hardware to Processes
Short answers Booting sequence System call sequence Process creation

10 CPU Scheduling Definitions Starvation

11 CPU Scheduling Short answers Preemptive vs. nonpreemptive scheduling
FIFO RR SJN SRTF Multilevel feedback queues Lottery scheduling

12 Cooperating Threads Definitions Atomic operation Race condition

13 Cooperating Threads Short answers Independent threads
Decision tree

14 Synchronization Definitions Mutual exclusion Critical section

15 Synchronization Short answers Code verification

16 Implementing Mutual Exclusion
Definitions Busy waiting

17 Implementing Mutual Exclusion
Short answers Ways to implement locks

18 Semaphores and Bounded Buffer
Definitions Semaphore

19 Semaphores and Bounded Buffer
Short answers Semaphores vs. integers Two uses of semaphores Code verification (producer/consumer)

20 More on Semaphores Definitions Safety Liveness Fairness

21 More on Semaphores Short answers Code verification

22 Project 1 /proc Write a C program

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