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Pre-AP French I French II

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1 Pre-AP French I French II
Jonathan Dupree

2 About Me Hometown: Monroe, LA Alma Mater: University of Arkansas
B.A. in French & History M.A.T. in Secondary Education 5th year teaching, 1st year with Prosper ISD Previously taught French and Latin in Memphis, TN

3 About Me VERY passionate about languages and history
Other Interests: Cooking, reading, geography, travel Quebec, Canada: For the past three years I have sponsored an immersion trip to the cities of Montreal and Quebec. Mrs. Goletto and I will be sponsoring a trip next summer (tentative date: May 28-June 1). There will be an informational meeting in the PHS Cafeteria at 6:30 pm on Thursday, September 7th. All PHS French students and their guardians are invited to attend!

4 Schedule - Middle School
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 1st: Pre-AP French I (Rogers) 2nd: Conference Period (Rogers) 3rd: Conference Period (Reynolds) 4th: Pre-AP French I Tuesday 1st-2nd: Pre-AP French I (Rogers) Thursday 3rd-4th: Pre-AP French I (Reynolds)

5 Schedule - High School A Days 3rd Period: Conference Period 4th Period: Pre-AP French I 5th Period: French II B Days 3rd Period: Conference Period 8th Period: French II 5th Period: French II

6 Tutorials - By Appointment
Rogers Middle School: Tue. & 7:40 am Reynolds Middle School: 7:40 am Prosper High School: Tue. - 3:54 pm OR: Mon., Wed., Thu. during Eagle Time

7 Course Expectations Respect yourself and others
Come to class on time - bring a positive attitude and all necessary supplies Participation is required - be ready to speak French every day Be in your seat and ready at the start of class Cell phone usage is with teacher permission only Kindness and consideration of your classmates and school/district-owned technology

8 More Information Class Website: Google Classroom
Skyward: Parent and teacher, working together! Late work / Make-ups Recommended studying: at least 10 minutes per night

9 Contact Information Phone: (469) Ext Class Website

10 In Closing Please check Skyward and the class website for anything you need. me with any questions or concerns you may have! I am here for the academic success of your child. I will do everything I can to make this happen! I look forward to sharing the language and culture of the French-speaking world with your children! Sept. 7th - PHS 6:30pm: Quebec trip informational meeting

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