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YEAR 8 TAKE AWAY HWK MENU – You must complete 6 Hwks per HT

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1 YEAR 8 TAKE AWAY HWK MENU – You must complete 6 Hwks per HT
Design and build a model showing The history of the Jews. Create a board game on Your favourite topic during this unit. Create a video/ movie trailer/ Film showing all different Issues we have studied about Judaism this half term. A song about the story of Abraham and what it Means for Jews today A poem on how Jewish People were treated during The holocaust A piece of Art work Expressing Jewish views On G-d Storyboard about Jewish life Write a diary entry & agony Aunt reply as a Teenager who is Jewish and Struggling to fit in Write a 400 word txt message To a friend about what it means To be Jewish. Key term glossary of all New key terms you have Learnt this half term (at least 10 Create a wordle) Write three tweets explaining what You have learnt so far #keywords 140 characters max per tweet Take a photograph representing Judaism in London And explain in writing what it shows

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