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Narrative structure & the novel's form

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1 Narrative structure & the novel's form
Ella, Natalie, ema, remi, dana

2 In the second chapter, it is revealed that while George and Lennie were in Weed, Lennie was accused of rape because he wouldn't let go of a girl in a soft red dress.  In Chapter 5, Lennie makes a similar, but more aggressive mistake by choking Curley's wife to death when he didn't want to let go of her soft hair. Plot Triangle George and Lennie arrive at the ranch that they will begin to work out so they can make money for their own benefit and future. We learn Lennie likes to touch soft things. George and Lennie meet the other men at the ranch. They meet Candy, the old man with the dog, who Carlson soon shoots. All the men at the ranch are poor and have a dream to open their own ranch one day. Curley's wife is also introduced. The individuals at the ranch realize that Lennie had killed Curley's wife. During that moment George grabs Carlson's gun without the ranchers knowing.They begin to look for him, so Lennie could pay the price for his actions. However, George knew where Lennie was, thus allowing him to find Lennie first. Climax Rising Action The story begins with George and Lennie walking among the brush near a pond in the state of California. George yells at Lennie for keeping a dead mouse in his pocket, but Lennie doesn't want to let go because of its soft fur. Falling Action When George finds Lennie in the brush, he begins to comfort him, and reassures Lennie that everything is going to be okay. As they talk about the future, George grabs the gun and shot Lennie in the head. At that moment both Lennie and their dreams die  Exposition Resolution

3 How does the plot triangle apply within the chapters?
In the beginning of the story, there is not much conflict besides the fact that we learn Lennie outside of the "norm". We also learn he has a tendency to touch soft things and not want to let go. (Chapters 1-4) The early chapters don't resemble the plot triangle because it is mostly characters being introduced and background information, along with a building of relationships within the characters. In chapters 5 and 6, conflict rises. This is when most of the information in the plot triangle is applied. We see the dangers of Lennie's presence and his effect on what he can do to the other characters. For example, Lennie accidentally kills one of the puppy's he was watching over. Not long after that, he makes a more aggressive mistake by accidentally killing Curley's wife after she asked him to feel her hair. In Chapter 6, the men find Curley's wife dead, and assume it was the fault of Lennie. George is the only one who knows where Lennie ran off to, and when the men find him in the brush, George comforts Lennie, before shooting him in the head. This ends their friendship and their future, however it is argued this is beneficial towards Lennie to persue his future.

4 Where does Of Mice and Men start and end?
Beginning End Similarity Sadness and defeat in overall mood George shoots Lennie in their "Safe" spot George became more realistic Hopeful George tells Lennis that their area is "Safe" George is more aggressive and passive  Setting George acts in Lennie's interests Lennis doesn't lose hope

5 Significance between beginning and end
Lennie always ran into trouble and it was going to be fatal at one point("George looked coldly at him. "Ain't you got any idear?" He asked. And Candy was silent. "I should've knew," George said hopelessly. " I guess maybe way back in my head I did."")(pg94) George conforms with the typical lifestyle of a migrant worker("Now Candy spoke his greatest fear. "You an 'me  can go there an' live nice, can't we, George? Can't we?" Before George answered, Candy dropped his head and looked down at the hay. He knew.")(pg94)

6 How does the novel resemble a play?
Conversational dialogue is very script-like Setting is very constant Small amount of characters Dramatic climax  Sets up setting and characters at the beginning of each chapter Has the idea of "tragedy" which is common idea in plays (The downfall of a major character is caused by one of their own "flaws") Relatable characters Dramatic and emotional ending Strong feelings about characters Tension and release

7 How is this significant or interesting?
Creates sense of finality in ending Easy to follow Sense of repetition which builds on the idea of George and Lennie repeating the same cycle of mistakes and narrow escapes Creates drama 

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