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An Era of Good Feelings In 1816, James Monroe (republican) easily beat his federalist opponent. This was after the War of 1812, and many Americans were.

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Presentation on theme: "An Era of Good Feelings In 1816, James Monroe (republican) easily beat his federalist opponent. This was after the War of 1812, and many Americans were."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Era of Good Feelings In 1816, James Monroe (republican) easily beat his federalist opponent. This was after the War of 1812, and many Americans were proud of their country. Americans just felt good about America. Monroe ran and won a second term in office, this time more easily than the first. The federalist party was officially dead.

2 Sectionalism Grows While tensions between political parties had stopped, sectionalism was growing. Sectionalism is loyalty to one’s state or section rather than to the nation as a whole. Americans began to identify themselves as southerners, northerners, or westerners. This was due largely in part to new sectional leaders (John C Calhoun in the south, Daniel Webster in the north, and Henry Clay in the West)                                

3 Helping American Businesses Grow
England had a head start in the industrial revolution. They had been occupied with the various wars, but now they were ready to put Americans out of the industrial business. Because England had been in the game longer, they could offer goods at a lower price. American factories could not compete, and many went out of business. In response, congress passed a protective tariff. This put a tax on imported goods, making those goods more expensive. This was meant to encourage Americans to buy American made goods. Since the south and west had few factories, they said that the tariff made northern manufacturers rich at the expense of the south and west.

4 The Supreme Court Strengthens Federal Power
Under Chief Justice John Marshall, the supreme court strengthened the power of the federal government. There were two landmark cases. First was McCulloch v. Maryland. In this case, the court ruled that states had no right to interfere with federal institutions. Second, the was Gibbons v. Ogden. The Supreme Court upheld the power of the federal government to regulate trade between states.

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