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Respiratory Simulation

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory Simulation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory Simulation
Dr. Jennifer Lucy

2 Simulation Objectives
Allows student to react to real life situation with out harming a patient Allows the student to make mistakes in a safe environment Encourages student communication skills Teaches the student to work in a team to resolve a medical issue

3 Simulation experience
Students feel a certain amount of stress during a simulation When it is over a debrief occurs to allow the students to receive feedback on the actions It also allows for questions to be asked about the simulation

4 TEAM members

5 Team Members Team Leader: Reads orders Directs team
Stands at head of bed Does no direct care

6 Team members Medication Nurse Gives medications
Directed by Team Leader Works around other team members Review I.M injection procedures Review 7 r’s of medication administration

7 Team Members Recorder Continuous monitoring
Records vitals every 5 minutes/ monitors EKG Rhythm. Advise team leader of changes in vital signs & EKG rhythm Review sinus rhythm, a fib, v fib and v tach Review normal and abnormal pulses, resp rates, 02 sats

8 Respiratory Therapist : Assessment
Assess lung sounds , are they normal Increases O2 levels for patient as necessary. ? How can you increase O2 levels? What can you give? Add oxygen, position patient ( Fowlers), nebulizer?

9 Observer Records the actions of each participant
Gives feedback after the event is completed Advises changes in future simulations

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